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40. ---__________ is the population of the town?

---Over 100,000. And a third of the population __________ workers of the car factory.

A. What; are    B. How many; are     C. What; is     D. How many; is


39. __________ it is today! Let’s go to fly kites in the park, shall we?

  A. What a fine weather      B. How fine weather

  C. How fine a weather       D. What fine weather


38. The old lady reading a newspaper there is ___________.

  A. Tom and Jim mother      B. Tom and Jim’s mother

  C. Tom’s and Jim’s mother    D. Tom’s and Jim mother


37. ---I like eating at a KFC restaurant. Food there is delicious and healthy!

---___________. Eating too much junk food is bad for your health.

  A. That’s right         B. That’s all right  

C. I really can’t agree with you   D. It doesn’t matter


36. ---Would you like to go swimming with me this afternoon?

---__________, but I have to practise playing the piano.

  A. I’d love to     B. Yes, let’s go    C. No, I won’t    D. It doesn’t matter


35.--- I wonder if she __________ to the English party.

---She is sure to come if she __________ time tonight.

A. comes; has   B. will come; will have  C. comes; will have   D. will come; has


34. When you are sleeping, you had better __________ all your windows closed.

 A. don’t keep     B. not keep     C. not to keep     D. not keeping


33. We all felt excited when we __________ the top of the mountain because we can see the whole city clearly

 A. reached     B. arrived      C. climbed       D. got


32. Tom is seventeen years old, Jack is three years older than Tom and two years younger than Todd. Todd is ____.

A. eighteen     B. nineteen      C. twenty-two     D. sixteen


31. ---I’m sorry I _________ my homework at home.

---That’s all right. Don’t forget __________ it to school this afternoon.

 A. forgot; to take      B. forgot; to bring

 C. left; to take       D. left; to bring

