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22. -- Can you play        chess?

  -- No, I can't. But I can play      violin.

   A. the; /     B./; /          C./; the        D. the; the



21. -- Are these your shirts? -- No,     .

   A. they are       B. they aren't        C. it is     D. it isn't




16.A.An Art Festival       B.A Music Festival     C.A School Day

17.A.February 23rd        B. April 10th          C. September 6th


18. A.6:00.                 B.6:30.           C.7:00.

19. A. She takes a shower.         B. She usually runs.    C. She eats breakfast.

20. A. Because it's interesting.      B. Because it's fun.     C. Because it's relaxing.




11. A. Chinese            B. Math              C. English

12. A. To watch TV       B. To go to a movie    C. To play ping-pong

13.A.They are boring       B. They are difficult    C. They are scary

14.A.On the dresser        B. On the table        C. In the drawer

15.A.Mr.Smith           B. Mr. Miller         C. Mr. Green



5. A. It’s sixteen dollars        B. It’s seven          C. It’s good

6. A. They are sweaters         B. It’s a sweater       C.A T-shirt

7. A. Fine                   B. Big               C. Yellow

8. A. Bob                   B. Cindy             C. Tom

9. A. February                B. Mr. Li            C. On Sunday

10. A. July 17th               B. 823-5668          C. Yes



1.      2.      3.      4.     


    Suppose your name is Li Ping. Your pen pal Jack wants to know something about Chinese tea. Write an e-mail to him according to the chart below, about 80 words.

Kinds of tea
  green tea,black tea(红茶),scented tea(花茶)
When was it invented?
  more than 4000 years ago
 Who was it invented by?
  the emperor Shen Nong
  1.taste delicious,smell pleasant
  2.keep people energetic,work well all day
  3.be good for health,stop people from getting cancers

Dear Jack,

   You want to know something about Chinese tea.                  




Reporter=R  Michael=M

  A.Who taught you how to play?
  B.About three or four.
  C.How many places have you been to?
  D.Which is your favorite tennis club?
  E.How long have you played tennis?
  F.I want to be a professional tennis  player when I’m older.
  G.Here at the tennis club?

R: Congratulations!  You just won the first prize in the State Tennis Competition.

M: Thank you.

R: Michael, how old are you?

M: Seven.

R: Seven!   96  

M: Since I was three.

R:   97  

M: My father. And I take lessons in a tennis club, too.

R:  98  

M: Yes, I've taken lessons here for two years.

R: How many days a week do you play?

M:   99   I want to practice every day, but my parents say three or four days is enough.

R: Are you going to continue with your tennis?

M: Uh-huh   100  

R: Wish you greater success!

M: Thank you.


95. This book is Li Ping's.(改为同义句)



94. We use the battery-operated slippers for seeing in the dark.(改为被动语态) 


