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34.(   )Jack is having a day off.

       A. working a whole day     B. having a rest

       C. away from work for a day   D. having a meeting


33.(   )With his aunt’s help, the little boy can go on with his study.

       A. Thanks to   B. Under    C. Thanks for   D. Over


32.(   )-What are you going to do?       -Nothing much. Why?

A. I’m busy.   B. I’m OK.   C. I’m right.   D. I’m free.



31.(   )There is a bird in the tree. It is singing.

      A. There is a bird sing in the tree.   B. There is a bird to sing in the tree.

      C. There is a bird singing in the tree.  D. There is a bird is singing in the tree.


第二节  听下面两段对话,每段对话后各有三个问题,请选择最佳选项回答问题。(6分)听下面一段材料,回答第20至22小题。

20.(   )Who lost the pen?

       A. Mike.       B. Lucy.        C. We don’t know.

21.(   )Where does the man usually put his pen?

       A. In the desk.     B. In the pencil-box.   C. On the desk.

22.(   )What are the two speakers doing?

       A. Speaking on the line.   B. Talking about the lost pen.

       C. Looking for the lost pen.


23.(   ) What are the two speakers talking about?

       A. How to go to school.      B. How to save the environment.

       C. How to recycle waste paper.

24.(   )How many ways did the two speakers talk about?

       A. Two.     B. Three.      C. Four.

25.(   )What’s the last way?

       A. Saving money.  B. Riding a bike.  C. Using a bag instead of plastic bags


26.(   )Elephants can be used to do some heavy jobs because they ______.

       A. eat a lot    B. are very strong    C. are very heavy

27.(   )We know dogs can be used to ______.

       A. drive trains   B. help make cars    C. keep houses safe

28.(   )Many different animals may be taught to do some easy jobs ______.

       A. if they have enough food to eat 

B. if they learn they’ll get something to eat   C. if they are as clever as man

29.(   )Scientists are trying to ______.

       A. make monkeys work in factories    B. make monkeys guard a house       C. make monkeys get crops in and drive trains

30.(   )______ can be trained to work for us.

       A. Many animals    B. Tall dogs     C. Large elephants


A. 单句理解:  听句子,从所给的三幅图中选出与你所听到的句子情景相同(相近)的图画.(每小题读两遍)(5分)

略 。

B.情景反应: 根据你所听到的句子,选择恰当的答语。(每小题读两遍)(8分)

6.(   )A.Thank you.         B.Certainly.        C.I have one here.

7.(   )A.Have a good time        B.I hope so.       C.  Why not?

8.(   )A.Thanks.             B.By bus.          C.I overslept.

9.(   ) A.Very like.         B.No, I don’t like.   C.It’s very interesting

10.(   )A.Yes, I’d love to.    B.Don’t mention it     C.I can do it

11.(   )A.Yes, she is.        B.Her mom         C.No, she isn’t

12.(   )A.Nice to meet you!   B.That sounds great!  C.How are you?

13.(   )A.It’s Monday.    B.It’ll be rainy.        C.It’s OK.


第一节  听第14至19段对话,回答第14至19小题。(6分)

14.(   )How many times will the film be shown that night?

A.Two.          B.Three.           C.Four

15.(   )Where is the woman’s office?

A.On the third floor.  B. On the second floor. C. On the first floor.

16.(   )Why does the woman ask Tom to turn down the radio?

       A. Because his radio is new     B. Because his radio is too old.

       C. Because his radio is too noisy.

17.(   )How much were the two sweaters?

A.They cost $ 80.   B. They cost $ 120.    C. They cost $ 100.

18.(   )What’s John wearing?

       A. Black shorts.    B. A red T-shirt.     C. A white shirt.

19.(   )What time will the boy get to school?

       A. At 6:55       B. At 7:25        C. At 7:35








( A girl is in an art club. She wants to join the club. )

A: (86)                         

B: Yes, please. I want to join the art club.

A: Good. (87)                     

B: My name is Maria.

A: (88)                       

B: I'm 15 years old. 

A: (89)                        

B: Yes, I can. But I can't draw very well.

A: (90)                       

B: My telephone number is 267-3576.

A: OK. Welcome to join us.

B: Thanks a lot.


85.这种裙子在那家商店出售。(on sale)



84.他经常听音乐。(1isten to)


