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第一节  单项填空(共15小题,计15分).

16.---______are you going to be a math scientist?

   ---_____I am going to learn math well,

   A.What            B.Why            C.How



11.What is the boy going to do first ?

   A.Clean his room.      B.Do his homework.     C.Take out the trash.

12.What does the boy want to do? 

   A. Use the car.         B.Stay out late.        C.Have a meeting.

13.Where is the woman going ? 

   A.To a mall.        B.To a meeting.        C.To a class.

14.Where is the boy going?

   A,To a movie.         B.To a library.         C.To a party.

15.What does the boy ask for at the end of the conversation?

   A.Some drinks.        B.Movie tickets.       C.Some money.



(二)听下面五组对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A B C三个选项中选出能回答所给问题的最佳答案。

6.Why does the girl have sore eyes?

  A.Because she doesn't do eye exercises.

  B.Because she reads too much.

  C.Because she often looks at the computer.

7.Who is going to watch the videos tomorrow?

  A.Betty.               B.Betty's father.     C.Betty's mother.

8.What does Bill give his teacher for Teachers' Day? 

  A.A card.             B.A car.         C.Some flowers.

9.How long does it take the girl to go to school?

  A.Twenty-five minutes.   B.Fifteen minutes.   C.Ten minutes.

10.Which one(哪一个)  is the heaviest of the three boxes? 

   A. The green one.           B.The red one.     C.The white one·


(一)听下面五个句子,每个句子后有一个小题,从题中所给的A B C三个选项-中选出能应答每个句子的最佳答案。

1.A.Two.           B.Two teaspoons.   C. One glass.

2.A.A banana milk shake,please.

  B.Yes,I'd love to.         


3.A.Have a good trip.         

B.What did you do there?

  C.When do you go there?

4.A.I did some reading.       

B I'm going to play tennis.

  C.He is going to Beijing.

5.A.The movie is boring.      

B.I went to the movies yesterday.

  C. Once a week.



提示:Not do: speak loudly in public; throw litter

    Do: be polite; ready to help others; plant trees

To Be a Lovely Wudi Citizen







I           when I see the national flag of China.





My duty is          the flowers and          the kitchen every day.



I don't know                   my speech last Saturday.



I.Living things depend on the sunlight.

2.The kind daughter went out of her way to make her parents happy.

