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36. ---Whom would you like to be your assistant, Jack or David?

  ---If I had to choose, David would be ____choice.

  A. good          B. better         C. the better      D. the best


35. ---Nancy, how long does it take to fly to Canada?

  ---Sorry, I don’t know. But I can telephone my father to ____it for you.

  A. do            B. check         C. catch            D. find


34. ---Oh. Mary’s not here these days. Is she ill?

  ---_____.Her mother told me that she was in hospital.

  A. I am afraid so    B. I hope not      C. I don’t mind    D. I don’t think so


33. ---What should I do, doctor?

  ---_____healthy, you should take more exercise.

  A. Keep          B. Keeping       C. To keep       D. Having kept


32. ---_______the socks, Jim. You shouldn’t throw them everywhere.

  ---OK, Mom.

  A. drive          B. Take off       C. Try on           D. put away


31.-I knocked into a tree when I went to the railway station for my friend.

  ---I suppose you _____too fast.

  A. drive          B. are driving     C. drove            D. were driving


30. ---Do you remember______ he came here?

  ---Of course I do. His father drove him here.

  A. whether           B. when         C. how          D. why


29. ---What a hot day! Have you had a drink?

  ---Yes. But I’d like to have _____after work.

  A. it             B. one          C. other         D. another


28. ---Are you going to Beijing by plane?

  ---It’s fast, but expensive. So I am not sure. I____ take a train.

  A. should        B. may          C. must         D. will


27. ---I don’t know how to use this machine.

  ---It doesn’t matter. Here is the ________.

  A. instruction      B. direction       C. information     D. advertisement

