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VII. 书面表达(共2题,计15分)

A) 请用所提供的词语写一则30~40词的失物招领启事。(5分)

(a red pencil-box, big, pencil, ruler …, in the reading-room, telephone number, 83345691)



B) 你的美国笔友Tonny想学汉语来到了北京,请给他写一封信,告诉他如何学习汉语。(10分)

要求:1. 语句通顺,书写工整。2. 可用所给提示词语,也可适当发挥。3. 词数:60~80。

(提示词语:go to the Chinese classes, make friends, listen to the radio, dictionary, useful, read Chinese stories, talk with, difficult, ask a Chinese teacher for help …)


VI. 补全对话(共10小题,每小题1.5分,计15分)

A) 根据对话内容,将方框内符合对话情景的句子抄写在对话的空白处,使对话恢复完整。选项中有两项是多余的。

A: Hi, Lisa. 1.      .

B: I’ll stay at home and watch TV.

A: 2.      .

B: Great. Here is the newspaper. 3.      .

A: OK. Look, there is a talk on science at 8:00 on CCTV 10.

B: Wonderful! I like science programs.

A: 4.      .

B: There is still a little time left. Let’s watch other programs first.

A: 5.      .

I prefer TV plays.
Let’s find out what’s on.
So do I.
Why not watch TV together?
Neither do I.
All right.
What are you going to do tonight?

B) 根据下面对话中的情景,在每个空白处填入适当的语句,使对话恢复完整。

A: Hello, Wang Lin. How beautiful your new bike is!

B: 6.       .

A: Where is it made?

B: It is made in Shanghai.

A: I also want to buy one. 7.       .?

B: In Minsheng Department Store. And there are many different colors. 8.       .?

A: I like green best. 9.       .?

B: About 150 yuan.

A: Mm… The price is OK. Well, would you like to go to the shop with me next Sunday?

B: 10.       ..


10. Don’t be afraid of ____ when you speak English.


9. David is good at singing. So he wants ____ a singer.


8. The people in Xi’an are ____ to visitors from all over the world.


7. There are about 60 women ____ in the hospital.


6. - What’s the weather like today?

  - It’s _____. We can go fishing.


5. It’s not polite to ____ others.  

B) 请用下面方框内所给的词或短语的适当形式完成下列句子,每项只能用一次。

be,   friend,   make mistakes,   doctor,   sun

