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28.If you stay           for too lon9,you'll be ill easily.

   A.happy           B.1ovely          C.active           D.angry


27.The girl likes music very much.She is looking forward          a singer.

A.to be           B.to being          C.to              D./



26.Don't eat the fish.It smells        

A.delicious         B.nice            C.terrible           D.good




6.A.Bad luck.               B.You are not clever.

C.Don't be disappointed.    D.Work hard and you'll pass it.

7.A.Yes,1 was able to.B.No,1 wont.     C.Sorry, I'm too busy.

8.A.I'm nervous to hear that.

B.I agree with you.

   C.The traffic is too busy.

9.A.Once.          B.Many times.     C.Once a year.

10.A.Thank you all the same.




11.Why does the boy look unhappy?

A.Because he misses his parents.

   B.Because he can't go to play computer games.

   C.Because he hasn't a ticket of the movie.

12.How do we feel when it is a finny day?

   A.Sad.          B.Happy.         C.Surprised.

13.How will the boy explore the Ming Tombs on a rainy day?

   A.By bike.        B.By train.        C.By bus.

14.Who are the two speakers?

A.A student and a teacher.


C.Husband and wire.

15.Where would Jane go for her holiday?

   A.Qinghai.        B.Shanghai.       C.Hainan.

IV.短文理解。听短文,根据短文内容判断下列句子正误。正确的用“T”表示;错误的用 “F”表示。短文读两遍。(5分)

16.It's very important for US to keep healthy.

17.We should work hard but not relax or exercise every day.

18.We need to keep in a good mood in our life.

19.We can't tell anyone else about our thoughts and feelings.

20.The passage tells US we must always take good care of ourselves.




China is very busy now. The  46  Olympic Games will be held in Beijing on August 8th ,2008.  47   many people will visit our country, the government has built new  48  , a large stadium called bird’s nest, and a fine new swimming pool. New roads and a railway have also been built. The fine modern buildings were all designed  49   the best designers. We are very  50   to see the new buildings go up.

    The people, old and young, in the capital are  51   for the Olympic Games by learning English. The most important and exciting moment is getting closer and closer. We are all very  52   because for our country, it is the  53   to hold the Games.

The opening ceremony will take place at the bird’s nest. I think our athletes(运动员) will  54   win more gold medals. They will be  55   of our country and the Beijing Olympic Games will be a true “Green Olympics, People's Olympics and Hi-tech Olympics”.

46. A. 28th      B. 29th       C. 30th      D. 31st

47. A. As       B. So       C. When     D. Because of

48. A. schools     B. shops       C. hotels      D. factories

49. A. by       B. for        C. with       D. on

50. A. angry      B. careful      C. sad      D. glad

51. A. waiting     B. preparing     C. looking     D. leaving

52. A. surprised    B. excited      C. interested    D. bored

53. A. first city     B. first country    C. first time    D. first year

54. A. like to     B. decide to      C. try to     D. have to

55. A. the winner     B. the son      C. the member   D. the pride 

