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A:What will you   l    when you grow up?

B:I’m not certain.I may be a teacher.   2    about you?

A:I don’t have any plans yet.Things change all   3    quickly.I'd rather wait and see.

B:In the future, teaching may be   4    easier.Students work on computers at home.If they have difficulties, they use   5    network to ask the teacher.

A:And teachers can stay at home.No more chalk and talk in   6    of the classroom.

B:There may be no teaching profession any    7   .Computer teachers will teach students   8   of human teachers.

A:I don't think   9   .Teachers are   10    any time.At least they need to write learning programs and materials.

B:You’re right.


15.The headmaster said that a new building       (build)in ten months.


14.The Greens       (have)supper when there was a knock at the door.


13.Hi, Linda, I heard someone       (sing)in the next room.


12.The rain      (last)for two weeks and we had no PE lessons in the open air!


11.Mother was ill.I had       (look after)her at home.


10.She is one of the         businessmen in the world.



9.Tom is an       man and you can find him in many school clubs.


8.I'm much      now.


7.She often makes mistakes.She is a       girl.

