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   Yesterday afternoon,1 went home after school.                    


5.What kind of person do you think Paul Grayson was?


4.How long did the tourists have to drive north to Queen Road to pass the fire area?


3.How did the firemen drop water onto the fire?

  They                 to drop water onto the fire.


2.Why was fire fighting difficult?



   A forest fire that burned 55 square kilometers was finally brought under control on Wednesday morning.The fire started on Sunday in Black Bear State Park and quickly spread to nearby areas.

   On Monday,police evacuated(疏散)the small town of Lawson and ordered the people to leave their homes.The fire destroyed 20 homes in the area and caused heavy damage to 40 0thers.

   Nobody was hurt.Officials said the damage to homes and cars was betwcen$1 million and$2 million.The government declared the town a disaster(灾难)area, The fire spread quickly in the hot,dry weather.Fire fighting was difficult because of strong winds.Firemen from 55 fire departments in the state joined the National Fire Service to put out the fire.Some kept fighting for 24 hours.Fire engines and helicopters dropped water onto the fire.In order to control the fire,firemen cleared a way around the fire.

   Police closed King Road to traffic on Tuesday because of heavy smoke.Thousands of tourists had to drive an hour north to Queen Road to pass the fire area, Some people did not follow the police order.Paul Grayson sent his wife and two children to safety,but he stayed.As the fire came within 50 feet of his house,he started thinking,“Am I foolish? Did I stay here too long,just for a house?”

   Answer the questions(根据短文内容回答下列问题,每题所填单词不超过l0个):

1.What did the police order the people to do?

  The police ordered the people to                    


A:How are you feeling now? George and l was quite anxious about you when Ann called us yesterday.

B:Not too   1  yet.I still have a headache and my right  2  can  3  take a cup.

A:What about your legs?

B:Much better.I feel less  4  in my knees  5  I can't walk.Just now the doctor and the nurses told me to stay in bed for two weeks.

A:That's OK.But how did it  6  ?

B:Oh,yesterday morning I cleaned the windows.In order to  7  the work easier,I climbed over the window and stood  8   the windows.1 worked quickly,but suddenly  9  down to the garden.When l woke up,I found myself lying in bed in the  10 

A:You're lucky that you live on the second floor.


15.She is afraid          (go)out at night.


14.After an hour's flying,they landed safely just as Peter           (expect).


13.As soon as he arrived,he          (write)to me.

