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1.Peter is our monitor and陆never tells lies.We all think he is       



People like artists and writers usually work  l  their own,with no one else around.But most of my friends tell me that they would never  2  things done if they work  3 

I was born in a small village in the country where  4  knew everyone except a writer who  5   himself to himself.By the time I was  6  to learn people's names,he had been living in the village for  7  twenty years,but the villagers still  8  him as a stranger! Every morning he would walk down to the local shops to do his shopping,and  9  he had to greet everyone he met,only two or three would  10   his greeting.Just occasionally,someone would ask him  11   he was doing,and every time his answers would be the same: “I'm still writing the book.”And that was all we ever  l2  him.

   No one bad ever visited his house I remembered once walking up to the house  l3  three or four other boys to see if we could see what he did.We climbed up to the windows and looked in,expecting to see our writer typing  14  his desk.

   Instead,he was sitting in an armchair  15  a book

1.A.with             B.for             C.on             D.at

2.A.take             B.bring           C.get             D.receive

3.A.together          B.alone           C.mostly           D.exactly

4.A.someone          B.no one          C.one             D.everyone

5.A.treated           B.kept            C.stay             D.leave

6.A.old enough                          B.young enough

C.enough tall                          D.enough strong

7.A.at last            B.at first          C.at least          D.at most

8.A.regarded          B.allowed          C.attracted         D.amazed

9.A.however          B.whenever        C.whether          D.although

10.A.hear            B.return           C.grab                D.offer

11.A.what            B.Where          C.why            D.how

12.A.1earned about      B.talked about       C.thought about      D.worried about

13.A.among          B.between         C.from           D.with

14.A.in               B.at              C.on             D.off

15.A.rocking          B.reading          C.talking          D.selling


   John is a famous writer now.But he said he was not a  l6  student when he was young.He was often late for  17  and didn't like doing his homework.Sometimes,he slept in class while the teacher was teaching.He didn't understand much,  18   he always thought he understood everything.One day the teacher  19  the students a question,“When Jack was ten years old.  20  brother Bob was twenty.Jack is fifteen now and  21  is his brother Bob?” John said. “That’s easy.Bob is twice as old as Jack,so he is now thirty.”

   Another time,the  22   in a science class asked,“When it thunders(打雷),  23  do we always see the light before we  24  the sound?”

“But, Miss.”said John quickly.“Don’t you  25  our eyes are in front of our ears?’’

16.A.good           B.tall             C.rich            D.fat

17.A.sleep           B.1unch           C.class            D.play

18.A.so             B.and             C.or             D.but

19.A.sent            B.asked           C.told            D.found

20.A.your            B.my             C.his             D.her

21.A.how many           B.how old         C.what            D.who

22.A.teacher          B.farmer          C.nurse           D.policeman

23.A.what           B.when           C.where           D.why

24.A.break           B.make           C.hear            D.smell

25.A.read            B.hope            C.study           D.know


20.-Did you go to Li Lei's birthday party?


A.don't invite                         B.haven't invited  

C.m not invited                       D.wasn't invited


19.一May I leave now,sir?

   一You’d better           until they come.

   A.not to go         B.to not go         C.don't go         D.not go


18.Could you please tell me        ?

A.how does Mr.Bright answer Ken's question 

B.how will Mr.Bright answer Ken's question

C.how Mr.Bright answered Ken's question

D.how did Mr.Bright answer Ken's question


17.一Tell him to come to see me,will you?

   一Sure.I will let him know as soon as he        

   A.return           B.returns          C.will return        D.returned

