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  Mr. Chen is a farmer who  36   in western China with his wife and two sons. One year ago, he discovered that he had cancer. The doctor told him that he needed  37   at once. And he said the operation would  38   thousands of yuan. It was too much money for Mr. Chen and his wife. They had no job and   39   were at school. The situation seemed  40  .

  Two weeks later, however, Mr. Chen got some  41   news. He was told about a health care project which provides medical treatment for poor patients in  42   China. They  43   to pay only half the cost or even less. Thanks to the project and the kindness of  44   family and neighbors, he was able to receive an operation just  45   to prevent the illness from getting worse.  46   he has returned to his family.

  The  47   of this health care project is to improve the situation for poor people in western China. So far, the project has helped more than 5,000 people  48   medical aid. The Chinese government is  49   working together with other countries and international organizations to do this. They hope to develop a new health care model  50   China. As our country develops, we must remember the responsibilities(责任) of caring for the weakest members.

36. A. live        B. lives       C. are living         D. lived

37. A. a treatment   B. a rest       C. an operation        D. training

38. A. pay        B. spend       C. have           D. cost

39. A. both their sons                 B. both their daughters

C. all their sons                  D. all their daughters

40. A. hopeful       B. hopeless     C. harmful          D. harmless

41. A. sad        B. bad        C. terrible          D. good

42. A. eastern      B. southern    C. western            D. northern

43. A. want       B. need        C. prefer         D. like

44. A. my         B. your        C. his            D. her

45. A. in time       B. on time      C. at the same time     D. for a long time

46. A. Already       B. Just      C. Ever           D. Now

47. A. chance      B. advice      C. example          D. goal

48. A. receive      B. receiving     C. received         D. receives

49. A. too        B. also       C. either           D. as well

50. A. to         B. at         C. for            D. on


35. I don't like bread. I won't eat it ______ I am very hungry.

A. if         B. when       C. as        D. unless


34. The bus is coming. Oh, no! It's full. I'm afraid we can't ______.

A. get up       B. get on       C. get out      D. get off


33. I saw Lisa in the street yesterday, but she didn't see me. She ______ the other way.

A. was looking     B. is looking     C. looked       D. has looked


32. Which sign will you probably see in front of a low door?



31. -- Is there a school in this village?

--______. There used to be one but it closed.

A. Yes        B. I'm not sure    C. Not now      D. Of course


30. There is somebody at the door. ______ I go and see who it is?

A. Shall        B. Must       C. Will        D. Would

