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23.(  ) - Do you know _________ last night?

 - Sorry, I don’t know. But I think he should go to bed early because he will have an English exam this afternoon.

   A. when he goes to bed     B. when he went to bed         C. when did he go to bed


22.(  ) Please read every sentence . The more _______ you are, the fewer mistakes you’ll make.

  A. carefully ; carefully    B. careful ; careful.     C. carefully; careful



21.(  ) Believe yourself. You’re better than ________. You’re the best. Wish you success!

  A. anyone else          B. someone else       C. else anyone


I.听句子,选出与所听句子内容相匹配的图画。(本题共 5 分,每小题 1 分)


根据问题选出正确答案。(本题共 10 分,每小题 2 分)

(  ) 6. A. He will go to the doctor’s

B. He will help the woman start the car.

C. He will ask others for help.

(   ) 7. A.$200.   B. $180  C.$100.

(  ) 8. A. John.   B. John’s sister.    C. John’s classmate.

(   ) 9. A. For two years.   B. For three years.     C. For four years.

10.(  ) A. Science.    B. Art.       C. Music.

III.听对话,根据对话内容选出最佳答案完成各句。(本题共 5 分,每小题 1 分)

11.(  ) _______ is learning English on TV.

    A. The girl             B. The girl’s mother    C. The girl’s father

12.(  )The girl’s father is a ______

    A. teacher             B. worker            C. driver

(  ) l3. The Olympics Games will be held in ______

    A. Beijing         B. Paris            C. London

(   ) 14. He learns English to _______

    A. teach his daughter    B. change his job       C. help friends from all over the world

15.(  ) They will try their best to ______

    A. learn English well     B. help their friends        C. take part in the games


Here are some 16 on how to talk with your parents.

First, try to 17 your talk with something fun. This will make talking easier. For example, ask your parents questions about their health. What are they doing with their work? They love this.

Second, make it clear what you want to tell your 18 . If they have something to say, let them finish. Ask them to do the same for you.

Third, 19 with your parents about what you’re really thinking.

Fourth, if your parents don’t understand, that’s OK. It doesn’t mean they don’t love you or they are not trying to. 20 you have to explain things to them again or in a different way. If there are still things to talk about, set up a time with them to talk about them next time.

16.(  ) A. news             B. messages          C. suggestions

17.(  ) A. end               B. begin             C. stop

18.(  ) A. mother            B. father            C. mother and father

19.(  ) A. be friendly          B. be hopeful         C. be honest

20.(  ) A. At times           B. On time           C. In time


11.How old is Gina?

A.Ten             B.Twelve           C.Eleven

12.What's in the desk?

A.A banana         B.An apple          C.A pear

13.What's the telephone number?

A.3322469         B.3321946         C.3321496

14.What's the time?

A.It's six thirty.     B.It's seven thirty.  C.It's six.

15.What class is Ben in?

A.He's in Class1.    B.He is in Class2.    C.He is in Class3.


6.A.How are you?      B.Fine, thanks.     C.I'm twelve

7.A.They are on the bed.

B.They are brown.  

C.It's on the chair.

8.A.Yes, he doesn't.  B.No, he doesn't.  C.No, he isn't.

9.A.French fries       B.Broccoli.       C.Strawberries.

10.A.I can play soccer. B.No, I can't.      C.Yes, I can.


1.A.this             B.these           C.six

2.A.June             B.January          C.July

3.A.book            B.look            C.good

4.A.man             B.many           C.any

5.A.nine             B.mine            C.fine



内容提要:你和你的父母在元旦(New Year's Day )到泰山(Mount Tai)作了一次旅行,午饭是在一个小餐馆吃的,靠你们旁边坐的是一个英国人,他想吃中餐,但他不会讲汉语,你爸爸用英语同他进行交谈并帮他吃到了满意的中国食物,他很高兴,他希望你爸爸有机会到英国去拜访他。





A:Our class is going to a farm this Saturday.

B:Great!           (86)

A:We are going there to help the farmers to pick apples.

B.         (87)

A:Certainly.Come to meet US at the school gate at 8:30 this Saturday morning.

B.         ( 88)

A:No.it is quite near.

B:         (89)

A:By bus.It's only about ten minutes' ride.

B.         (90)

A:The weatherman says that it will be windy.

B:Good.I'll go with you.I hope the weather will be fine on Saturday.


