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         Memory is very important for life. A memory  36  something you remember. Many people think that memory is connected with our  37  . For example, if someone says, “This is a crab,” and then  38  a large crab on your hand, you will  39  remember the word “crab”! When something  40   happens, we usually remember it well, and we also remember where we were and what we were doing.

     Scientists believe that there are three kinds of memory-immediate, short-term and  41  . When people get older, the short-term memory becomes  42   , but we can still remember things that happened a long time ago.

        There is one way to  43  your memory. If you want to remember something, you must make a picture in your  44  . If the picture is silly, strange and funny, you will remember it better. For example, I am trying to remember the word “smiles”. An easy way to do this is to  45  there is a “mile” between the first letter and the last letter. This makes it the longest word in the world.

        You can help yourself remember things by keeping a diary. Healthy food and plenty of vitamins can make our memory more efficient.

36. A. carries          B. means            C. finds             D. reports

  37. A. climates       B. feelings         C. colours         D. languages

    38. A. writes        B. sends             C. puts              D. draws

    39. A. probably        B. slowly          C. hardly          D. never

  40. A. boring        B. usual          C. regular         D. exciting

  41. A. long-term       B. common        C. good          D. bad

  42. A. better        B. worse         C. faster             D. slower

  43. A. help          B. protect        C. improve         D. make

  44. A. body         B. mind          C. hand          D. eye

        45. A. see          B. remember         C. imagine         D. know


35. – Do you mind my borrowing your e-dictionary, Simon?

  -- ________________

   A. Yes, please.                B. No, please don’t.  

C. No, go ahead.                D. Yes, not at all.


34.--What did he ask on the phone just now?

 -- He wanted to know_____.

   A. when the meeting will start      B. what he was going to say at the meeting

   C. how long would the meeting last    D. who is the host of the meeting


33. Here are the tickets for the football match, but _____ of us can go because of _____ homework.

  A. nobody, too many          B. no one, so many 

  C. anybody, much too         D. none, too much


32. --- Where’s Mr Green? I haven’t seen him for days.

  --- He _________ Canada. He _______ there three times.

  A. has been to; has gone to        B. has been to; has gone

  C. has gone to; has been to        D. has gone to; has been


31. My pen-friend _____ write letters, but now she _____ sending e-mails to her friends.

  A. is used to, used to          B. used to, is used to 

C. was used to, used to         D. was used to, is used to


30. It’s clever _____ her to work out _____ many difficult math problems.

  A. for, so       B. of, such      C. of, so         D. for, such 


29. My robot has _____ a virus for two days and it needs repairing.

  A. caught        B. had           C. got             D. been caught


28. This lift _____ only hold 12 people. It’s full now. We _____ wait for some more time.

  A. may, may                  B. can, may    

C. can, must                      D. must, can  


27. ---Mrs Smith seldom has time to go shopping at weekends, _________?

  A. doesn’t she               B. does she

  C. is she                    D. isn’t she

