0  135936  135944  135950  135954  135960  135962  135966  135972  135974  135980  135986  135990  135992  135996  136002  136004  136010  136014  136016  136020  136022  136026  136028  136030  136031  136032  136034  136035  136036  136038  136040  136044  136046  136050  136052  136056  136062  136064  136070  136074  136076  136080  136086  136092  136094  136100  136104  136106  136112  136116  136122  136130  447090 

27.I didn’t know what I should do   my teacher gave me some good advice.

  A. until                     B.after                      C.when


26.We play spots in the school on weekdays,you know,we don’t have enough time.

  A.often                    B.usually                     C.hardly ever


25.-What do you think Tara is like?

   -She used to be quiet.but she is quite now.

  A.clever                   B. serious                     C.outgoing


24.Doctors often suggest,“   vegetables and   meat can help you keep fit.”

  A.More; less                B.Few;much                 C.Fewer;more


23.   woman in a red dress is a very popular teacher in our school.

  A.A                       B.The                       C./


22.-Whose notebook is it?

     -It belongs to Lily.Didn’t you see   name on it?

  A.she                     B.her                       C.hers


21.He always has a   with him.I think he must enjoy taking photos.

  A.computer                 B.dictionary                   C.camera



Text A.根据听音内容.完成事故目击者的笔录。

The witnesss (目击者)name:(76)   
            Time:(78)      a.m
            Place:(79)      Street
            Accident:A(80)   car knocked
                Down an old lady.

Text B.根据听音内容,填写旅行前计划准。

Needs:1. a small (81)    
    3.a thick(83)    
    4.the(84)     box;
    5. to buy some (85)     .
Dont needs:personal CD player.




Text A

16.Ben’s telephone number is  

  A.535 6218                 B.515 6338               C.535 6118

17.This dialogue may happen in a  

  A.supermarket               B.spots club               C.factory

Text B

18.The speaker’s father ran in the marathon  

  A.to raise money for a hospital

B.for Father ’s Day

  C.to show he was the best

19.The passage you heard is a   .

  A.funny story               B.sports report             C.special letter

20.The speaker’s father may feel   if he reads the passage in the magazine.

  A.happy                   B.tired                   C.hurt



6.A.January 28.             B.August 21.             C.October 23.

7.A.Rainy.                 B.Cold.                 C.Windy.

8.A.History.                B.Science.               C.Math.

9.A.Playing soccer.           B.Playing basketball.         C.Playing baseball.

10.A.Funny.                B.Scary.                C.Boring.

11.A.A waiter.              B.A farmer.              C.A clerk.

12.A.Go swimming.          B.Have a picnic.           C.Do some shopping.

13.A.By bike.               B.By bus.               C.By car.

14.A.3:00.                B.3:30.                C.4:00.

15.A.Tall and thin.           B.Has curly hair.          C.Short and heavy.

