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64.Scientists are now trying        robots look like people and do the same things as us.


63.Would you mind       your voice down in public places'?


62.Mary is a         girl.She always makes me laugh.


make, keep, stay, out, real, fun, enjoy, quiet, not show up, take after, fall asleep

61.My father            reading newspapers before supper.



   These days it is found that school students hardly have any sports.Is it because they have no interested in sports? It may not be true.They often say they have   16  more important things to do.

   What are these important things? Exams! They have to  17  themselves ready for all kinds of exams and tests in school.So many of them almost   l 8  bookworms(书呆子).In the past in the summer holidays,they could do everything they 1iked,but now they have to  19  all their time preparing for examinations.So  20  have kept them away from going out for sports.

Because of the pressure from their parents and teachers,they  21  to work harder and spend most of their time  22  books.As for the students themselves,they don't want to fail the lessons because they want to further their studies.So it is necessary to give  23  of their spare time to their studies and  24  up their school sports.

    It's true a good education cannot go without physical training,the same is true,a quick mind hardly goes along with a  25   body.Without a strong body,you can never do anything well,how can you make great success in life?

16.A.another          B.other           C.much              D.some

17.A.make           B.have            C.get             D.let

18.A.turn            B.grow           C. look            D.become

19.A.give            B.spend           C.take             D.cost

20.A.teachers         B.parents          C.studies           D.holidays

21.A.try             B.hope            C.have            D.enjoy

22.A.in              B.at              C.to              D.on

23.A.few            B.any             C.all              D.none

24.A.give            B.take            C.put             D.send

25.A.strong          B.heavy           C.weak           D.ill


The police do many things for us.They help keep on. Then they see these people get to a doctor.

   The police go around town to see that   28  is all right.They get around town in many ways.Some of them walk or go by ear.In some big cities,some of the police  29 on horses. It is strange to see these animals in the street.

   As they go around town.the police help people.Sometimes they find  30  children.They take the children home.If the police see a fight,they put an end to it right a way.Some times people will ask the police how to get to a place in town.The police can always tell the people which way to go.They  3 1  all the streets and roads well.

Some police stand at   32  .They tell the cars when to go and when to stop.They  33  that the cars do not go too fast.They help children cross the street.They also help people who can't walk too well.

   34    the police, our streets would not be safe.Cars might go too fast and hurt people.Lost people might never be   35  .The police do a good job.We need them. And we should thank them for a job well done.

26.A.dangerous        B.sate            C.comfortable          D.terrible

27.A.think of         B.are terrified of     C.are fond of        D.take care of

28.A.everything        B.nothing          C.anything          D.something

29.A.rides            B.takes           C.ride             D.take

30.A.miss            B.leave            C.lost             D.lose

31.A.know              B.knew           C.knows           D.known

32.A.corner          B.cross           C.crossing          D.crossings

33.A.order            B.make sure         C.certain           D.decide

34.A.Without                          B.With           

C.Within                             D.With the help of

35.A.found out        B.looked for        C.found           D.kind


15.-Nick.I am sorry.I used your computer when you were away this morning.


A.That's all right                      B.It's a pleasure

   C.You are welcome                     D.With pleasure

