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22.-What a hot day! 一Yes.Let's     

A.go shopping                        B.go swimming

   C.go dancing                         D.go fishing





21.Look!There is picture on   wall.

A./:the          B.a;/           C.a;the           D.the;the






6.A.I don't think so.    B.Thank you.      C.Me.too.

7.A.For two years.   B.Very much.      C.Never mind.

8.A.A doctor.        B.At work.           C.Yes.he is.

9.A.It's$30.         B.Cheap.         C.Pretty good.

10.A.Congratulations!    B.It doesn't matter.  C.That's all right.



11.Which subject isn't the boy good at?

A.Math.          B.English.        C.Chinese.

12.Where do the speakers want to go?

A.To the museum.   B.To the zoo.      C.To the cinema.

13.Who is the youngest?

A.Mary.         B.Mike.          C.Lily.

14.What are they talking about?

A.A sweater.      B.A hat.          C.A watch.

15.How was the weather yesterday?

A.Sunny.         B.Rainy.         C.Windy.



16.What was the man running with?

A.A bag of money.  

B.A TV set and a recorder.

C.A suitcase.

17.When the incident(事件)happened,M r.Zhang            

A.was on the way home  

B.worked in the office

C.was at home already

18.Who shouted,” Stop him! He is a thief.”?

A.Mr. Zhang.      B.A policeman.     C.Several people.

19.Why was Mr. Zhang surprised when he got home?

A.His house was broken in.

B.The thief was his neighbor.

C.His house was on fire.

20.How was Mr. Zhang feeling according to the passage?

A.Excited.        B.Unlucky.       C.Relaxed.




   ①come back,school   ②hungry,bread  ③tell,clean  ④look,dirty



Dear Joe,

   How is everything going? I miss you very much.

   Thank you for s l  me the English Stamps.How b 2   they are! I like them.I like collecting stamps very much.I b 3  to do it when l was eight years old.Now I have really k 4 of stamps from different c 5

   I think collecting stamps is f 6 and interesting.When I collect stamps,you win see many pictures of animals and p 7  on them.You will know a lot about the world.

   Last year.I joined a stamp club in my city.It was over one hundred members and we are all stamp collectors.We meet every month and talk about our stamps t 8 .I have made many friends there.By the way.What’s your hobby? What do you like to do in your f 9 time? Hope you can enjoy y 10  during the coming vacation.




   Mike doesn’t feel very well these days.He has a stomachache.Today is Sunday.His mother l  him to see a doctor.Before seeing the doctor,they  2  wait for some time  3  the nurse 4  white says to them“ Please come in.It’s your turn!”

   Mike looks、very,nervous  5  he comes into the doctor’s room.

   “Now tell me,what’s wrong  6  you?” the doctor asks.

   “I feel terrible. I have a  7  stomachache,” Mike answers.

   “Well,let me have a  8  ,”says the doctor kindly.

   After  9  his stomach,the doctor says,“Nothing  10  .Take this medicine three times a day and you’ll be well soon.”

  1.A.takes       B.take     C.brings        D.bring

  2.A.may        B.will          C.have to       D.can

  3.A.when       B.until         C.at           D.after

  4.A.on         B.in           C.with             D.wear

  5.A.if          B.then         C.when        D.and

  6.A.to          B.about       C.have         D.with

  7.A.bad         B.badly       C.boring        D.bored

  8.A.look at      B.look         C.see          D.look for

  9.A.examine     B.examining     C.examines      D.examination

  10.A.serious     B.important     C.hurts        D.good


  (L=Lin Tao    A=Ann)

  L: 1 


  L:  2 

  A:1 will go to Nanjing by plane with my parents.

  L:  3 

  A:Bad Luck.What shall we do?

  L.  4 

  A:But it will take much more time.

  L:  5 

  A:Good idea.Thank you very much.Bye-bye!


