0  136059  136067  136073  136077  136083  136085  136089  136095  136097  136103  136109  136113  136115  136119  136125  136127  136133  136137  136139  136143  136145  136149  136151  136153  136154  136155  136157  136158  136159  136161  136163  136167  136169  136173  136175  136179  136185  136187  136193  136197  136199  136203  136209  136215  136217  136223  136227  136229  136235  136239  136245  136253  447090 

34.--Which do you prefer, coffee or cola?

   --      , thanks, I'd like a cup of tea.

A.Either           B.Both            C.Neither           D.Any


33.There is an old saying:The cleverest house wife      cook a meal without rice.

A.may            B.mustn’t          C.needn’t          D.can’t


32.--Didn’t you play sports last weekend?

--      , thanks.I played soccer with some of my friends.

A.Yes, I did                        B.No, I didn’t

C.Yes, I didn't                        D.No, I did


31.--Will you come to the dinner tonight?

   --I won’t come unless Jenny      

A.will be invited                       B.can be invited

C.invites                             D.is invited


30.How much does the ticket      from Shanghai to Bejing?

A.cost            B.take            C.spend           D.pay


29.This is the most beautiful gift      my grandmother      for Christmas.

A.which,gave it to me                 B.that,gave me

C.which,gave me                     D.that,give it to me


28.Do you know the girl      sunglasses?

A.that wear                          B.who is wearing

C.who is putting on                    D.that puts on


27.Please stop     .Let’s have the meeting.

A.talk            B.talking          C.to talk           D.to talking


26.When someone walking ahead of you keeps the door     , you should say “Thank you”.

A.to open          B.opening          C.opened           D.open


25.Will you please       the windows of the library?

A.not close         B.don’t close       C.not closed        D.don't closing

