0  136087  136095  136101  136105  136111  136113  136117  136123  136125  136131  136137  136141  136143  136147  136153  136155  136161  136165  136167  136171  136173  136177  136179  136181  136182  136183  136185  136186  136187  136189  136191  136195  136197  136201  136203  136207  136213  136215  136221  136225  136227  136231  136237  136243  136245  136251  136255  136257  136263  136267  136273  136281  447090 

33.-My mother is ill in hospital now.

   A.Is that all?                         B.I'm sorry to hear that.

   C.sorry.                           D.I hope you'll be better soon.


32.We         swimming in the sea yesterday.

   A.looked out                         B.put on

   C.had fun                           D.waited for


31.-Why are you so happy?

   -      my father will come back from Japan.

A.Then           B.So             C.Because          D.And


30.        is exercise.I do it every morning.

A.Watching TV                       B.Sing a song

C.Walking to school                    D.Do eye exercises


29.        ,John! Something is falling over your head!

   A.Hurry                           B.Help

   C.Be careful                          D.Don't be afraid


28.-Let me help you.


A.Sure                             B.Certainly 

C.Thank you                         D.You're welcome.


27.I bought a new shirt yesterday.It        me one hundred yuan.

A.cost            B.used            C.spent            D.took


26.-Would you love to learn to play basketball,Wang Lei?


A.I like playing basketball.               B.I'd love to

    C.1 would like it                       D.I like to play it. 


25.-Danny,please look-when you cross the street.

   -Oh,yes.Please don't worry.  

   A.out             B.for             C.at              D.up


24.-I'm going to Chengde for the holiday.-    

   A.Good-bye!                        B.Be careful!

   C.You're welcome.                    D.Have a good time !

