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37. There is a beautiful clock on the wall,     ? 

A. isn’t there      B. is there       C. isn’t it        D. is it


36. We have to finish the work with     people and     time.

A. less, fewer    B. fewer, less   C. less, few      D. fewer, fewer


35. You mustn’t play football in the street because there’s     traffic.

A. much too    B. too much   C. too many    D. many too


34. I didn’t know     , but they were all really friendly to me.

A. some girls      B. some the girls  C. some from the girls D. some of the girls


33. The post office is     the library     the bank.

A. from, to        B. between, and   C. near, with     D. behind, from


32.-     do you think is the funniest actor?  -Jim Carry.

A. What      B. When     C. Who     D. Why


31. Miss Gao is going to work in Shanghai for     .

A. a year or two                B. one and two years

C. two years and one             D. a year or two year


30. In our class, Andy is the     . She always makes us laugh.

A. youngest      B. shortest       C. funniest       D. quietest


29. –Would you like to my house for dinner tonight?

--I’d love to,     I have lots of homework to do.

A. so           B. or           C. and          D. but


28. It’s time for school. Why are you     in bed?

A. ever          B. never        C. still        D. yet

