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3. –I’m going to Dalian with my parents this summer.  –That s      interesting.


2. Could you please s      the floor, Sandy?


1. My brother Liu Tao wants to be a basketball p      . 


Why didn’t my teacher believe me? I’m a good student. I really did all my homework last night,  41   I don’t have it now.

My teacher  42   I’m busy these days. Our school will have a basketball game  43   two days. I’m on the basketball team and have to practice after school every day.  But that isn’t  44   I don’t have my homework today.  

Where is my homework? I have to say, my dog  45   it.

Here is the story: Last night, I went home late and was really  46   after practice. However, I didn’t forget  47   my homework. I ate dinner and did it at the time. When I had nearly finished it, I suddenly dropped some meat on my paper. It made the paper quite dirty. What should I do? It was too late to do the housework again on  48   piece of paper. So I just put my paper on the table and went to bed. Later, my dog Max, who loves meat very much, jumped up onto the table and ate my  49   !

My teacher said it was an old story. I also know many students  50   this all the time. This time is true, but no one believes me.

   41. A. so          B. and          C. though       D. before

   42. A. know       B. knows        C. knew        D. knowing

   43. A. in          B. after         C. before        D. when

   44. A. where       B. what         C. how         D. why

   45. A. found       B. lost          C. ate          D. played

   46. A. tired        B. happy        C. good         D. glad

   47. A. do         B. to do         C. did          D. doing

   48. A. other        B. another       C. the others     D. others

   49. A. dinner       B. food         C. book         D. homework

   50. A. saying       B. says         C. say          D. said 


40. –Do you think it will rain tomorrow?

     .  It hasn’t rained for along time. The weather is too dry.

A. I hope not      B. I’m afraid so   C. I hope so      D. I think not


39. –Could you give her the message?  --     .

A. Yes, please       B. No, I couldn’t  C. Certainly   D. Here you are


38. –Can you go to the zoo with me? 

--I’m sorry I     . I     look after my little sister at home.

A. can, may        B. can’t, had to  C. can , can      D. can’t, have to

