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   It was a Saturday morning.When Mrs. Black   31 the door(门)and looked   32  ,she smiled(微笑)and said,“The sun is shining(照耀).It's a  33  day.” She came into the  34  and said to his son,Tom,“  35  you want to the zoo,then get up!” After hearing(听到)his mother's words,Tom got up  36  .He was very happy  37  .he liked animals.He said to his mother when he was  38  on his clothes,“I dreamed(做梦)I was in the zoo last night,Mom.”

   His mother was  39  cooking breakfast,but she stopped and smiled at her son,“ What was your 40  ?”Tom laughed and answered,“I saw a panda,and we played together.”

   31.A.bought        B.opened              C.made

   32.A.out             B.in                C.at

   33.A.fine            B.bad                C.rainy

   34.A.bedroom         B.school              C.classroom

   35.A.When           B.After               C.If

   36.A.quickly(很快的)  B.successfully(成功的)    C.loudly

   37.A.or             B.because             C.but

38.A.having          B.wearing             C.putting

39.A.tired            B.busy               C.happy

40.A.zoo            B.friend              C.dream


30.-Would you like some salad? -No._____

   A.I'm not.        B.I don't.         C.thanks.


29.-What does he think of English Today?


   A.He loves it   B.He can see it      C.I love it


28.Be quiet,please! Grandma is ________.

   A.sleeping         B.playing          C.talking


27.--What does your brother ________ ?--He's is short and thin.

   A.look for       B.look like       C.talk about


26.--When __________ you ________ your friend?


   A.will,visit    B.do,visit       C.did,visit:


25.Paul is new here,So _______ knows him.

   A.someone      B.everyone        C.nobody

