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16. A. On the desk.    B. On the bed.      C. On the floor.      D. On the dresser

17. A. In the backpack.  B. Under the bed.     C. In the drawer.     D. On the bookcase.

18. A. The baseball.    B. The backpack.     C. CDs.       D. Keys.

19. A. The notebook.      B. CDs.       C. Keys.         D. The drawer.

20 A. Blue.        B. Yellow         C Rod          D. Green




11. A. He is my brother. B. He is my friend.     C. He is my cousin.    D. He is my uncle.

12. A. Blue.        B. Black.        C. Green.        D. White.

13. A. On the table.     B. On the sofa.    C. On the desk.      D. On the dresser.

14. A. Sally.        B. Anna.         C. Mona.       D. Emma.

15. A. Yes, she is.     B. No, she isn't.      C. Yes, she isn't      D. No, she is.




6. A. It's a ring.          B. This is a case.      C. That's a ruler.      D. They're sofas.

7.A. It's yellow.      B. It's my baseball.     C. It's on the chair.     D. It's ten.

8.A. Yes, I am.       B. No, it isn't       C. I am a student.     D. No, I'm not.

9.A. My son.        B. My uncle.       C. My aunt.       D. My daughter.

10.A. I don't know.     B. I am fine.       C. They're boys.     D. Nice to meet you.



1.       2.       3.       4.       5.        



Your Task(任务)
1. Do you often feel happy(sad,angry,pleased,proud,lonely,worried,afraid…)?
2.Are there many things that make you happy(sad,angry,,pleased,
proud,worried j afraid…)?What are they? Why?
3.Is this kind of feeling good or bad;or you? What call you learn from
4.What will you do in the the future?



Mrs.Green doesn’t feel well.She goes to see a doctor.Now she is at the Informal,ion Desk.

NURSE: Have you registered (挂号) yet?

MRS. CREEN: No, 71________________________________.

NURE: Do you now a doctor here?

MRS. GREEN: Yes, I'm here to see Dr. Black.

NURSE: 72_______________________________?

MRS. GREEN: I'm Cindy Green.

NURSE : Here's your patient's card(病志)

Dr. Black is at Clinic (诊室) No.3.

MRS.GREEN: 73____________________?

NURSE: Well...walk ahead (前) and 74________________________.

     Its the send room on your right.

MRS. GREEN: Thanks. (h few minutes later)

Dr. BLACK: Hello, you're Cindy Green, right?

      Well, Mrs. Green,75______________________?

MRS. GREEN I had a headache and a cough this morning.

Dr. BLACK: 76_____________________________________?

MRS. GREEN: I'm feeling even worse.77_________________this morning. It was 39℃.

Dr. BLACK: 78______________________ and say "Ah..." 79_________________________.

      It's just a cold, take the medicine and drink retire water, stay in bed for two days. I think you will get better soon.

MRS. GREEN: 80________________________________, Dr. Black.


90. It is so hard that we can't understand the sentences.



89. Why don't you join an English club to practise speaking English?



88. It seems that she has changed a lot. (改为同义句)


