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4.Mr Li often looks t     the mews on the Internet.


3.Aunt Wuang asked me to take are of her nine month b    when she went shopping.


2.Mingming,you must be very careful when you c    the street.


1.Wang Pei usually begins to eat lunch at n  


   I am a college student,as I have learnt English very well in the university(大学),there is a good chance I will able to stay on as a teacher with the university where I am  36  .Most of my friends and parents  37  that it’s best for a girl to be a university teacher.

   But I don’t know  38  to do.It is not that I wouldn’t like to be a teacher.But I don’t want to stay,not now,because I need some experience in telling my students how to turn  39  into practice.

   I once taught business English at a night school,yet I had never done any ousiness.Though,I prepared my lessons well I still  40  to create(创造)“real-life”situation(情景)for my students to practice well.I feel now is not the right time for me to  41  here and spend my life in a university.I want to work in a place where I can  42  what I’ve learnt:my knowledge of English  and French.I also want to know more about other things.

   I know that  43  I leave the university,I shall start from the beginning in some ways,but I’m  44  to 1earn,to work hard to keep up with others and then,if possible,surpass(超过) them.English can be a good tool to help me.It is a  45  to an end, but not the end itself.

   (  )36.A.studying      B.working      C.going     D.playing

   (  )37.A.use         B.think        C.excuse    D.hear

   (  )38.A.whether      B.what        C.how         D.why

   (  )39.A.theory(理论)   B.covers       C.pages     D.pictures

   (  )40.A.failed(失败)    B.enjoyed      C.decided   D.needed

   (  )41.A.study         B.work        C.travel     D.wait

   (  )42.A.learn         B.finish        C.worry    D.use

   (  )43.A.even         B.before       C.until     D.if

   (  )44.A.free          B.slow        C.ready     D.polite

   (  )45.A.1anguage     B.means(方法、手段) C.1ife D.story


35.Please walk along this street,and take the second     on the left.

   A.turn         B.turns        C.to turn       D.turning


34.    is good     your health.

   A.Do eye exercise,for          B.Doing eye exercise,for

   C.Doing eye exercises,to        D.Do eye exercise,to

