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   Maybe most people like to travel during their holidays.Some people like to travel in tour groups(旅游团)  36  they think it is safe and cheap.A tour guide(导游)takes care of the tourists and makes sure the group can see a lot of interesting  37  beautiful sights(风景).Other people like to travel  38  or with friends.They are free to see  39  they want to see.

   People travel for many reasons(原因).Some people travel to learn more languages.Some people travel for adventure(冒险).They want to do some different things,  40  Skiing,bungee jumping(蹦极),land mountain climbing.Other people like to shop when they travel.They look for new things or cheap ones.

   There are  41  ways to travel.Some people take trains,  42  or buses,some fly,and   43  drive cars.Some people like to ravel slowly and  44  a long time in each place,while others like to take quick tours and more places in a  45  time.

  How do you like to spend your holidays?

36.A.and        B.if         C.because     D.when

37.A.but        B.and       C.so       D.or

38.A.lonely       B.alone      C.away       D.nearly

39.A.when       B.where      C.what      D.which

40.A.as well      B.such as     C.except for   D.as if

41.A.different     B.terrible      C.good     D.expensive

42.A.ships      B.planes      C.spaceship    D.feet

43.A.the others   B.the other     C.other       D.others

44.A.waste      B.spend      C.cost       D.pay

45.A.long       B.short     C.good       D.great


35.In the English Summer camp.The students have a lot off fun ___________ English each other.

   A.to practice to speaking    B.to practice speaking

   C.practicing speaking     D.practicing to speak


34.___________ he is very young,___________ he will pass the Olympic torch(火炬)in China.

   A.Although;I    B.Because;so    C.Although;but   D.Because;/


33.My best friend Jack is going to Shanghai in ten minutes.I’m hurrying to ___________  at the station.

   A.meet with him     B.see him off      C.pick him up       D see off him


32.I don’t think my daughter can take care of herself well,___________?

   A.do I       B.can she      C.can’t I        D.don’t I


31.The soldier gave his life to ___________ the children who were hurt in the WenChuan 5.12 earthquake.

   A.helping      B.help       C.have helped       D.helped


30.He ___________ you as soon as he ___________ there.

   A.calls;arrives        B.will call;arrives at

   C.call;arrives        D.will call;arrives


29.I have no idea if I ___________ free tomorrow.if I ___________ free.I’ll stay at home.

A.will be,am         B.will be,will be  

C.am,will be          D.am,am


28.It’s very kind ___________ him ___________ say so.

   A.fo,to    B.for,/         C.of,to   D.of,/

