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24.My father often asks me______ in the street.It’s dangerous.

     A.to play           B.don’t play       C.not to play     D.not play


23.These films were popular all over the world______.

     A.on the l980s       B.in l980s           C.in the l980    D.in the l980s


22.It will______ the Chinese people few years to rebuild the disaster area(灾区).

     A.spent             B.cost             C.used         D.take


21.You’d better go and ask Mr Brown.He______ know how to use the computer.

     A.can              B.may             C.would        D.could



16.We went to the Great Wall on______.

     A.July 1st             B.June 1st             C.May 1st

17.We went to the Great Wall______.

     A.by bus              B.by car              C.by bike

 18.We got to the Great Wall at about______.

     A.8:00             B.8:30             C.9:30

   19.It was ______on that day.

     A.rainy              B.cloudy              C.fine

   20.We ______on the Great Wall.

     A.enjoyed ourselves      B.had a picnic          C.had a party



11.A.I’m from London.

     B.I'm having an English class.

     C.I’m a doctor.

12.A.The eraser is on the desk.

     B.Yes,it is.

     C.It’s under the chair.

13.A.Yes, he is.           B.Yes,it is.       C.No,she isn’t.

14.A.It’s broken.          B.It’s over there.    C.It’s nice and beautiful.

15.A.No.I couldn’t.       B.You’re welcome.  C.Certainly.



6.A. I want to have supper.

    B.It's time to have supper.

    C.I must go to the restaurant.

   7.A.The strange man has an eye and an ear.

    B.The strange man has eyes but no ears.

    C.The strange man has no eyes and no ears.

   8.A.There isn’t anything in the room.

    B.The room isn’t full.

    C.The room is small.

   9.A.Can I help you?

    B.I want some help.

    C.You can give me some help.

   10.A.She wants to know the policeman.

     B.She is the policeman’s friend.

     C.She asks the policeman to help her.



   1.What did you do______?

   A.over the weekend      B.yesterday       C.after school

   2.______,I went to visit Old Henry.

   A.Last week           B.Last Saturday     C.Last weekend i

3.Please give me some______.

A.Subject            B.music          C.food

   4.What does he often______ in the restaurant?

   A.eat           B.do           C.drink

   5.He is______ his school clothes.

   A.taking off         B.wearing      C.putting on


   “5.12”  汶川大地震给四川人民带来了空前的灾难,但是困难压不倒中华民族。一方有难,八方支援,万众一心,众志成城。捐钱捐物,献血献力。我们日照人民也不甘落后,为帮助灾区人民渡过难关,一批灾区的学生要来日照就读。为帮助他们熟悉环境,尽快投入到学习之中,请你用英语写一篇l00词左右的文章,一是介绍一下日照的环境和学校情况,二是谈谈你将如何接纳和帮助他们。

