0  136231  136239  136245  136249  136255  136257  136261  136267  136269  136275  136281  136285  136287  136291  136297  136299  136305  136309  136311  136315  136317  136321  136323  136325  136326  136327  136329  136330  136331  136333  136335  136339  136341  136345  136347  136351  136357  136359  136365  136369  136371  136375  136381  136387  136389  136395  136399  136401  136407  136411  136417  136425  447090 

28.He      up very late in the morning,but now he    up very early.

   A.used to get;is used to get          B.used to getting;is used to get

   C.is used to getting;used to get        D.used to get;is used to getting


27.Could you tell me     get a storybook?

   A.what I can     B.what call I       C.where I can       D.where Can I


26.How often do you    your sister?

   A.hear         B.hear of          C.hear from         D.listen


25.-I’m sorry.I’ll have to    my office.I've had a wonderful time here.

   -It’s a pleasure to have you here.

A.get to         B.return           C.leave for          D.reach


24.-Sarah.would you mind doing the dishes?


A.I'm sorry.Do you have your receipt?

   B.Certainly not.I'll put on another pair.

   C.Not at all.I'll do them in a minute.

   D.Ok.I'll play in the park.


23.-I heard you were late for school today.

   -Yes.this morning I overslept and before I went outside,the bus    

A.has left      B.is loving          C.would leave    D.had left


22.-Must we bring all the books with us?

-No,you     .You     bring some of them.

A.mustn’t:need B.can’t;may       C.needn’t;may D.won’t;need


21.-Excuse me.You can’t take photos here.Look at the sign! It says“NO PHOTOS”。

-Sorry,I     it.

A.don’t see      B.didn’t see         C.won’t see     D.haven’t seen


20.-You never have noodles,     you?

   -No.I only like rice.

   A.do          B.don’t            C.have         D.haven’t


19.-Why did you come back so late?

   -Because my teacher made me     a lot of exercise.

   A.do          B.doing            C.did          D.done

