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25.-Is Miss Gao tall?

   -No,she isn’t tall,and she isn’t short,either.She is_______.

   A.of medium height                 B.medium build

   C.a little heavy                     D.very thin


24.The students _______the teacher now.

A.are listening       B.1istemng      C.are listening to   D.listening to


23.How many _______are there in the picture?

   A.policeman                  B.policemen

   C.rice and meat                 D.bread and milk


22.Does Mr.White ______  in Beijing?

   A.likes working                    B.likes work

   C.like working                     D.like work


21.I like to _______with my friends.

A.speak           B.say         C.tell           D.talk


20.一__________   一I’m a reporter.

   A.What do you do?                 B.Who are you?

   C.what are you?                    D.Both A and C.


19.-why are you so early this morning?

   一_______ I will go for a picnic with my friends today.

A.So          B.Because       C.Or          D.But


18.The hotel is _______the market and the bank.

   A.both        B.in          C.next to       D.between


17.一Excuse me.Is there a pay phone near here?

   -Yes, there is.Take the first turning ______the left.

A.on          B.in          C.at           D.to


16.Does you father like _______on weekends?

   A.going to the movies               B.go to the movie

   C.goes to the movies                 D.to go to movie

