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24.--Let’s play ping-pong!

--Good idea,      I don't have a bat.

A.so             B.or              C.and             D.but


23.--What kind of      is your favorite.Kevin?

--Chinese food! I like it very much.

A.city            B.food            C.sport            D.book


22.--Nice to meet you.I'm Sam.May I know your name?

--Of course.      name is Jenny.Nice to meet you.

A.My             B.Your            C.Her             D.His



21.--Excuse me.Is there      pay phone near here?

--Yes.You can find one near the bus stop.

A.an             B.the             C.a               D./



1.A.Your books are on the sofa.

B.What's your telephone number?

C.Rick takes the number 17 bus to his company every morning.

2.A.Where's the lost and found case?

B.The buses are dirty and crowded when it rains.

C.I need to take the video tape back to the store after school.

3.A.Do you have a volleyball,Barry?

B.In the future,humans will have less work to do.

C.Come and buy your clothes at Huaxing's great sale.

4.A.Please read aloud in class.

B.Could I invite my friends to the party on Saturday?

C.Our readers want to know something about famous people.

5.A.My aunt took us out to the park last week.

B.Running star Sandra Clark eats lots of healthy food.

C.Why not come over to my home on Wednesday evening?



11.A.He's out.                  B.He's at home.           C.He's upstairs.

12.A.At the airport.           B.At the train station.       C.At his workplace.

13.A.New York.            B.Sydney.               C.Shanghai.

14.A.At 9:00 in the morning.     B.At 10:00 today.          C.At 11:00 tomorrow.

15.A.Tom Green.            B.Susan Smith.           C.Bob White.


16.A.To New York.          B.To Tokyo.             C.To Paris.

17.A.By telegram.            B.On the phone.           C.On the Internet.

18.A.On January 29.          B.On January 30.          C.On January 31.

19.A.To have some work to do.

B.To see a movie.          C.To meet his old friends.

20.A.He put his things in his room.

B.He sent a telegram to New York.

C.He couldn't remember the name and address of his hotel.



Charity show’s name
A Warm Family For All
Sunday 6:30-9:30 pm.
the school playground
ticket price
raise money for those people without families
the Wen Chuan earthquake




There will be a charity show called “A Warm Family For All”.



Do you want to work as a volunteer for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games? If your answer is “yes”,then why? Why do you w        (1)to be a volunteer? H        (2)are some reasons:You're w     (3)to do something for the Games;you are looking for a job;you have a c    (4)to meet sports stars;and you can watch the Games close.Which one is your answer? You'd better not choose the last reason,b     (5)most of the volunteers will not be able to watch the Games.In fact,the volunteer work can make you t     (6)and bored.Most of the volunteers will do things such as translating,guiding the cars.and cleaning up.

If you want to be a volunteer for the Games,you should be h    (7)and kind-hearted,have a sense of responsibility(责任感),and be healthy.

What will you get from this work? You w     (8)get money,but you will get some other things.You can learn new things.You can make friends with people from d         (9)countries.You Can have an unforgettable e        (10).



Joy:I'd like to join the volunteer project,but I don't know what to do.

Lily:   1  

Joy:I want to be a singer.

Lily:   2     

Joy:I love singing.

Lily:   3     

Joy:I usually have music lessons on the weekends.

Lily:You could start a singing club.

Joy:   4     

Lily:You could help the kids who love singing.

Joy:   5     

Lily:You could put up some signs to let everyone know it.

Joy:That's a good idea.

A:What do you love?
B:Who could I help?
C:What do you want to be?
D:How could I let everyone know it?
E:What kind of volunteer project?
F:What do you do on the weekends?
G:How could I coach the kids who join the club?



We will                  the sports meeting,if it         tomorrow.



She always tells stories to                   sick kids.

