0  136335  136343  136349  136353  136359  136361  136365  136371  136373  136379  136385  136389  136391  136395  136401  136403  136409  136413  136415  136419  136421  136425  136427  136429  136430  136431  136433  136434  136435  136437  136439  136443  136445  136449  136451  136455  136461  136463  136469  136473  136475  136479  136485  136491  136493  136499  136503  136505  136511  136515  136521  136529  447090 

40.--Your email address again? I      quite catch it.


A.don't,John1992@         B.can't,

C.didn't,                   D.didn't,John1992@


39.Mr. Brown      as much time as he can      the flowers ill his garden.

A.takes,look after                    B.costs,to look after

C.spends,looking after                  D.uses,look after


38.--     ,I don't think this T-shirt looks nice on you.

--I agree with you.Let me try on     

A.To be honest,another                B.Excuse me,others

C.Pardon,the other                    D.I'm sorry,other one


37.--Did Mike have a good time at the party?

--Yes.He said that it was years      he had enjoyed himself so much.

A.after            B.since           C.before           D.when


36.--How do you like the soccer game last Tuesday?

--Well,it's surprising.The strongest team of our school     

A.was beaten       B.won            C.scored           D.was failed


35.--Would you mind      the radio?

--     .The baby is sleeping.

A.my turning up,Of course not              B.me to turn off,Sure

C.my turning on,Better not              D.if I turn on,Not at all


34.The year 2005      World Year of Physics      Albert Einstein,the father of modern physics.

A.made,remember                    B.has made,to remember

C.was made,remember                 D.was made,to remember


33.The number of family cars now      than before.

A.are more         B.is more          C.is larger          D.are larger


32.--I phoned you at seven yesterday evening.But nobody answered.

--Oh,I      in the park nearby.

A.walked          B.walk            C.am walking       D.was walking


31.--What would you like,coffee or tea?

--     .Please give me a glass of orange juice.

A.Neither          B.Both            C.None            D.Either

