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35.Nowadays meteorologists(气象学家)can make good forecast for 3 or 5 days.Perhaps soon they may be able to do that for a week or      

A.more ahead       B.more behind      C.less ahead        D.less behind


34.--How much will you be paid?

--Judy,I don't do it for money,but for experience.      ,it's voluntary(志愿的)work.

A.However         B.Besides          C.Finally           D.Possibly


33.Which sign means “No Photos”?


32.--You aren't a stranger,are you?

--      ,don't you remember       me at the school gate ten minutes ago?

A.Yes;to see      B.No;seeing       C.No;saw            D.Yes;seeing


31.Newton was playing under an apple tree       an apple fell onto his head.

A.when           B.while           C.after                D.before


30.A “Workaholic” works too much and usually forgets to have meals and go to bed.    ,he doesn't have good health.

A.As a matter of fact                   B.As a whole

C.As a result                          D.As a rule


29.My son wants a pet rabbit for long,but I have no time to buy       for him.

A.it              B.that            C.the one          D.one


28.--Do you think we’ll need a coffee pot?

--I don't drink coffee,and      .It's not necessary.Why not a tea service?

A.so do you        B.neither you do      C.so you do         D.neither do you


27.--I didn't know this is a one-way street,sir.

--     .Please show your driving license.

A.I don't care                        B.Sorry,but that is no excuse

C.It's all right                         D.I hope so

