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61.It's important to protect the        (地球).


40.Which of the following is RIGHT?

A.He very likes English. 

B.He already has gone to Beijing.

C.I always listen to the teachers carefully in class.

D.They had lunch yesterday in a restaurant.


39.When we got to the cinema,      a queue outside.      a very long queue,so we decided not to wait there.

A.there is;It is                       B.there was;It was

C.it was;There was                    D.there is;It is


38.--Shall we play basketball this afternoon?

--      I need to exercise very much.

A.Why not?                          B.I agree with him.

C.You are lucky.                     D.No,I don't want to.


37.--Could you please tell me     ?

--Sure.It's very easy.

A.where can I buy this kind of camera       B.who bought the camera

C.if there is a camera shop over there        D.how I can use the new camera


36.Lucy is different from her twin sister.She likes dancing,      her sister is interested in reading.

A.so             B.or              C.but             D.and

