0  136359  136367  136373  136377  136383  136385  136389  136395  136397  136403  136409  136413  136415  136419  136425  136427  136433  136437  136439  136443  136445  136449  136451  136453  136454  136455  136457  136458  136459  136461  136463  136467  136469  136473  136475  136479  136485  136487  136493  136497  136499  136503  136509  136515  136517  136523  136527  136529  136535  136539  136545  136553  447090 

36.--Do you believe there are aliens?

--I'm afraid not.I don't think aliens       in space.

A.can find         B.can be found      C.can be founded     D.can't be found


35.--Do you want to see the film Harry Potter Ⅱ?

--The film Harry Potter Ⅱ? I       it.It's really wonderful.

A.see             B.have seen         C.was seeing        D.has seen


34.--How do you feel when you watch the national flag go up?

--It makes me       very proud.

A.felt             B.to feel           C.feeling           D.feel


33.--Do you like chatting with your friends on the telephone or mobile phone?

--     .I would rather       QQ.

A.Either;use       B.Neither;use      C.Both;to use      D.Neither;to use


32.--What's the matter,Kangkang?

--Oh,I feel sorry to hear more than       people lost their lives in the earthquake(地震)in Sichuan.

A.sixty thousands of                    B.sixty thousand

C.sixty thousand of                     D.thousand of


31.--Is the novel Journey to the West       book?

--No,it's Helen's.I left       at home.

A.your;my        B.yours;mine      C.you;it          D.your;mine


30.--English is the most widely used language in the world.

--Yeah.Nowadays,the study of English is considered as a very important industry in China as well as in the rest of the world.

A.is regarded as     B.is looked as       C.takes as          D.treats as



29.--Could you tell me when Confucius began to teach?

--Sure.He began to teach when he was in his thirties

A.at thirty                           B.more than thirty

C.thirty                             D.at the age of thirty


28.--I'm afraid I can't follow you,Sir.Can you speak more slowly?

--Of course.

A.find            B.run after         C.understand        D.keep


27.--Is this Mr. Chen's car?

--I don't think so.He can't afford to pay for this kind of car.

A.is too poor to     B.is able to         C.is rich enough to    D.doesn't want to

