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23. We should use     plastic bags to help the environment. Let’s say goodbye to them.

  A. fewer          B. more         C. some         D. less


22. -I am going to wear jeans to the party.

  -If you do, the teachers     let you in.

    A. don’t     B. didn’t         C. haven’t        D. won’t


21. I like music     I can dance to. And you?

    A. what     B. who          C. that          D. when


20. The 29th Olympic Games is coming soon. It will start     August 8, in Beijing.

    A. at       B. in           C. on           D. for


19.   , Mandy. Everything will get better soon.

    A. Cheer up    B. Mix up         C. Clean up       D. Turn up


18. -What does your cousin do?

  -You mean Jenny?    a nurse.

    A. I’m      B. You’re        C. He’s         D. She’s


17. -Something to drink?     -Yes,   , please.

    A. noodles      B. milk shake        C. apples           D. beef



16. -Hi, Mike. Do you have    brother?

  -Oh, yeah, I have one.

    A. a       B. an          C. the          D. /




第三节:听独白,从A、B、C 三个选项中选择正确的选项,完成信息表。(每小题2分)

Information Form
From whom:   11 
When bought:  12 
Problems of the clothes:
1. The pants are  13  .
2. The shirt is too big for  14  .
3. Her daughter doesn’t like  15 

11. A. Mary                B. A newspaper           C. A shop keeper

12. A. Two days ago          B. Three days ago         C. Five days ago

13. A. too short             B. too big               C. Too small

14.  A. her son              B. her husband           C. her brother

15.  A. yellow               B. white                C. red

