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20.“      you've made! But you should work still harder,” the teacher said to the boy.

A.What a big mistake                   B.How big mistakes

C.What great progress                   D.How great progress


19.--Have you decided      the children in the poor area?

--By sending them books and schoolbags.

A.how you will help                    B.what you will give

C.when will you call                    D.how much will you send


18.--Perhaps I'm going to the market.

--Would you get me some juice      you’re there?

A.since           B.as              C.if               D.after


17.Now the students each      an English-Chinese dictionary.

A.has             B.have            C.is having         D.are having


16.John,our foreign teacher,left Nantong two years ago,and I      him since then.

A.don't see         B.won't see         C.didn't see            D.haven't seen


15.Mrs. Green      go to hospital,but now she is in good health.

A.has to           B.needs to          C.used to          D.ought to


14.Few students can understand the sentence until it      twice or three times.

A.explains         B.is explained       C.will be explained    D.has explained


13.--Sorry for being late again.

--      here on time next time,or you'll be punished.

A.Be             B.Being        C.To be           D.Been


12.--How are you today.Bob?

--I'm even      now.I don't think the medicine is good for me.

A.better              B.worse           C.happier          D.unluckier


11.--Hello! May I speak to Mr. Smith?

--     ,please.He's answering another call right now.

A.Go on           B.Come on         C.Keep on          D.Hold on

