0  136439  136447  136453  136457  136463  136465  136469  136475  136477  136483  136489  136493  136495  136499  136505  136507  136513  136517  136519  136523  136525  136529  136531  136533  136534  136535  136537  136538  136539  136541  136543  136547  136549  136553  136555  136559  136565  136567  136573  136577  136579  136583  136589  136595  136597  136603  136607  136609  136615  136619  136625  136633  447090 

  A.          B.           C.        D.

1. (   )       2. (   )       3. (   )

A.        B.        C.        D.

4. (   )        5. (   )       6. (   )


   为了进一步实施素质教育,山东省所有初中学生都能享受到两天的周末自由时间。在这两天的时间里,有的学生走进图书馆、书店充实自己的知识;有的加入体育俱乐部,健身强体;有的积极参加社会实践活动;还有的在家帮助父母做一些力所能及的家务……你是怎么度过的?你对两天周末有何看法?请以Finally,Week Ends为题写一篇80词左右的文章。


1、素质教育quality education  两天周末two-day-weekend

  充实,丰富enrich     社会实践social practice     社会society



  Today a quarter of the world’s population use English,and as many as one billion people  1   (learn) it.

  New types of English  2   (be)common wherever English is spoken.Singaporeans speak“Singlish”.For example,to ask,where are you going?They mix English words with Chinese grammar:You go where?

  When you  3   (go)to Egypt,people always say,‘'Welcome in Egypt.”Why do they say this?It’s an example of how English changes over time and from place to place.Using“in”after“welcome”  4   (be)normal in Egypt.

  Languages  5   always_____(change).A hundred years ago,German  6   (be)the most popular language for science.Scientists  7   (have)to learn German to read the latest information in science books.But by 1950,American inventions and ideas  8   (help)to make English more popular.Some language teachers believe that if China  9   (begin)to develop important technologies,such as new types of computers,then Chinese might become the language that every scientist wants to learn.Already,many business people  10   (learn)Chinese to help them do business in China.


10.The little baby has six________ (牙齿) .


9.Hard working is the key to________ (成功) .


8.I can’t be a nurse,for I have no ________ (耐心) .


7.One day,you will realize the________(重要性)of time.


6.It’s a difficult________ (决定)for any doctor.


5.I was too fired and fell a________ soon last night.


4.You’d better tell your parents no m________ where you go.

