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   Mrs.Brown lives in the country,and she doesn’t know London very well.One day She goes to London.She can’t find her  41  .Just then she  42  a man near a bus stop.“I can ask him the way,”she says to  43   and asks,“excuse me,could you  44  me the way to King Street?”The man smiles with  45  answer.He  46  know English.He speaks French.He is a visitor.Then he  47  his hand into his pocket.He  48  a piece of paper and lets her  49   it.On the paper are these words,“Sorry,I  50  English.”

(  )41.A.street         B.way         C.room     D.house

(  )42.A.looks at        B.Watches      C.sees     D.looks

(  )43.A.herself       B.himself      C.itself     D.themselves

(  )44.A.speak       B.say          C.talk       D.tell

(  )45.A.not          B.an          C.no       D.any

(  )46.A.don’t         B.doesn’t.     C.isn't     D.does

(  )47.A.puts(放)       B.takes        C.carries    D.brings

(  )48.A.bring out       B.take off      C.takes out  D.watches

(  )49.A.to see       B.look at       C.to look at     D.watches

(  )50.A.don’t tell      B.don’t speak    C.don’t say     D.don't talk


40.一    is it from your school to the bus stop?

-About 100 meters.

A.How long     B.How soon       C.How away           D.How far


39.一What    animals do you like besides cats?


   A.other,else  B.another,other     C.else,other       D.the other,else


38.一Why do you like pandas?

一Because they’re    interesting.

   A.kind of      B.a bit of          C.a kind of         D.a little of


37.Jim     basketball and he looks    Michael Jordan.

   A.like,like     B.likes,like   C.like,likes   D.likes,likes


36.It’s difficult    him     all the subjects well.

   A.to,learn     B.to,to learn       C.for,learn       D.for,to learn


35.    him     English.

   A.Say,to say     B.Tell,to speak      C.Speak,to tell      D.Tell,speak


34.一Don’t you like school?

-    ,I don’t like to go to school at all.

   A.No,I don’t   B.Yes,I do       C.Yes,I don’t          D.No,I do


33.The party starts     a song.

   A.with         B.at              C.in              D.on


32.Please     790–4230 .

   A.call her with  B.call her at         C.to call her at      D.call her to

