0  136466  136474  136480  136484  136490  136492  136496  136502  136504  136510  136516  136520  136522  136526  136532  136534  136540  136544  136546  136550  136552  136556  136558  136560  136561  136562  136564  136565  136566  136568  136570  136574  136576  136580  136582  136586  136592  136594  136600  136604  136606  136610  136616  136622  136624  136630  136634  136636  136642  136646  136652  136660  447090 

34.The price in this store is than in that one.

   A.cheaper         B.more expensive     C.more higher      D.lower


33.-It looks like rain,doesn't it?-Yes ,it does.And I           my umbrella.I           it in the office.

   A.forgot,forgot     B.forgot,left       C.left,left         D.1eft,forgot


32.-          is it from school?

  -It's 10 minutes by bus.

   A.How long         B.How far         C.How soon        D.How


31.-Must I finish my homework first?

   -No,you           .You can eat dinner first.

   A.mustn't          B.can't            C.may not          D.needn't


30.-          did he start golfing?

   -Ten years ago.

   A.How long        B.How often        C.When           D.How soon


29.I was born           a cold night of 1978.

A.on             B.in              C. at             D.by


28.-I'd like to          you.

   -Greet,many people will          the charity activity.

   A.join,join                          B.join, take part

   C.join,take part in                    D.take parting, take part in


27.-Tom fell off his bike and hurt his left leg yesterday.

   -          .How is he now?

   A.I'm sorry to hear that                 B.How did it happen

   C.Nothing serious                     D.He had a bad luck


26.            ?It looks very terrible.

   A.How is the weather like                B.What is the weather.

   C.What do you like the weather            D.What do you think of the weather


25.Use your head then you'll           a good idea.

   A.come up with                       B.catch up with

   C.keep up with                       D.go think about

