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Tom:Hello Tony Where are you going for vacation?

Tony:  71 

Tom:That sounds interesting.I like Tibet very much.

72   ?

Tony:For a week  73  ?

Tom:I'm visiting my friend in Hong Kong.

Tony:Well,  74  ! Send me a post card from Hong Kong.

Tom:OK.Show me your photos when we get back to school  75  .

Tony:See you.


   My first football match was in P.E.class when l was10at primary Schoo1.

   Our P.E.teacher divided the class into two group boys and girls.You may think it's unfair(不公平)because  41  might lose the match.But we were still children.we didn't realize the  42  between boys and girls.

Girls always did  43   than boys in primary school.We girls thought winning the match would be very  44 

  However,things didn't go as we expected.The boys were so  45  and strong.As soon as they got the football,they kicked it directly into the goal.In a short time,boys had three  46  while we were still at zero.

Their laughing   47  us very angry.How could we be beaten by them? We got together for a  48  and came up with an idea that we'd hold a re-match..

   49  boy got the football,three or four girls rushed to him.Two grasped(抓住)the boy's clothes and the others snatched(抢夺)the ball.When other girls got the football,they  50  gave it to me,because I ran the fastest.I would hold the ball and keep  51  .But when a boy wanted to get the football,he became surprisingly strong.

   One time when a boy  52   the ball,I bit(咬)him,The poor boy suddenly began to  53  ,I didn't think I had done anything wrong.So I went on.Of course I made a goal.

   The whole match was like a war(战争)between boys and girls.1 was made to say  54  to the boy I bit,but it didn't  55  .We won,and they regarded me as the team's heroine(英雄).

   Is it funny? However,the pleasure that the football has given to me is far more than that.

41.A.teachers         B.students         C.girls            D.boys

42.A.difference        B.friendship        C.teamwork        D.challenge

43.A.better              B.worse           C.less             D.more

44.A.interesting        B.easy            C.hard            D.good

45.A.cool            B.unusual          C.serious          D.fast

46.A.matches         B.balls            C.tickets          D.goals

47.A.took            B.takes           C.made           D.makes

48.A.training          B.plan            C.rest            D.talk

49.A.When           B.While        C.Since           D.Although

50.A.silently          B.quickly          C.safely           D.probably

51.A.running          B.walking          C.to run           D.to walk

52.A.found           B.collected         C.lost            D.caught

53.A.cry             B.smile           C.run             D.jump

54.A.hello            B.sorry           C.goodbye         D.thanks

55.A.deserve          B.mind            C.happen          D.matter


40.We         the chemistry class when the teacher came in.

A.discussed                         B.discussing  

C.are discussing                      D.were discussing


39.Arthur is a loving grandfather.He           all his free time with his grandson.

   A.takes           B.costs           C.spends              D.pays


38.You are never         young          start doing things.

   A.so ,to              B.such,to         C.too,to             D.too,can't


37.           success!

A.What an amazing                     B.What amazing 

C.How an amazing                     D.How amazed


36.-Can you come to my party tomorrow evening?

   -          .I have to help Jack with his math.

   A.I hope so        B.I'd love to        C.I'm afraid not     D.Excuse me


35.-Would you like some more?

   -          .I'm full

   A.Yes,please      B.I'd love to        C.No,1 wouldn't    D.No,thanks

