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   下面是一份英语学习自我评价表,每个评价项目后有若干个选项,请在符合自己实际情况的选项方框中打√(可以多选)。根据你的选择,以“My English Learning”为题写一篇短文。介绍你英语学习中的优势与不足,并针对自己的不足之处,提出改进方法。



English Learning Sell-assessment
1.The new words I can remember
□all   □most  □some  □several
2.My favorite activities
□pair work  □writing  □doing grammar exercises
  □learning new vocabulary □class discussions
3.The most difficult part in English learning
□reading  □listening  □grammar
□vocabulary  □speaking  □writing
4.The useful ways in English learning
   □keeping a vocabulary notebook
   □taking an active part in class discussions
   □doing English duty reports
   □reading texts aloud
  □preparing lessons carefully before class
 5.Need to be improved on learning
□listening  □reading  □speaking  □writing
□grammar  □vocabulary  □pronunciation
  □working with others
My English Learning
English is a very important subject at school._______


70.Last week I went to my __________ (aunt)house to teach her how to send e-mails.


great fun  by themselves  playing  take part in  looking forward to

Anne:Hi,Pete.Nice to meet you.

Pete:Nice to meet you,too.Are you going to  71  the Music Festival this year?

Anne:Of course! It was very good last year,do you remember?

Pete:Yeah.I enjoyed  72  the guitar in the school band.What about you?

Anne:I enjoyed singing with other students.It was a lot of work,but it was also  73 

Pete:Yeah.Do you know what I really like about the Music Festival?

Anile:What’s that?

Pete:The students organize the festival  74  .That’s great!

Anne:Yeah,that’s true.Teachers do help,of course,but basically we do everything ourselves.So,when is the festival this year?

Pete:It starts next week.I’m  75  it.



69.My cousin is used to__________ (study) with his new friends in Australia.


68.Look! Two__________ (monkey)are fighting for food over there.


67.Alan is the__________ (win) of the Photo Competition this year.


66.I like working here because everyone is__________ (friend).


65.Sometimes we don’t have our PE classes outside because of the bad__________ (天气).



64.Susan often goes swimming in summer when it’s warm and __________ (晴朗的).


63.When we climb the hill on Sundays,Jack always __________ (到达)at the top first.

