0  136507  136515  136521  136525  136531  136533  136537  136543  136545  136551  136557  136561  136563  136567  136573  136575  136581  136585  136587  136591  136593  136597  136599  136601  136602  136603  136605  136606  136607  136609  136611  136615  136617  136621  136623  136627  136633  136635  136641  136645  136647  136651  136657  136663  136665  136671  136675  136677  136683  136687  136693  136701  447090 

23.Hangzhou Bay Cross-sea Bridge is      cross-sea bridge in the world.

A.long            B.longer           C.longest           D.the longest


22.--Jack,where's my small round mirror?

--Sorry,Betty.I      it.

A.break          B.broke            C.will break         D.am breaking


21.It snowed      this February.Many people had to stay at home instead of going travelling.

A.heavily           B.quickly           C.slowly           D.weakly


20.--May I smoke here?

--No,you      only do that in the smoking room.

A.can            B.need            C.mustn't          D.couldn't


19.I got an e-mail this morning.It's      my best friend John.

A.in              B.on             C.at              D.from


18.--Excuse me.Have you seen my bike?

--Look at that one next to the red bike.Is it         ?

A.hers            B.his             C.yours            D.mine


17.--Would you like to go to the            ?

--Yes,I'd like to.I like pandas very much.

A.cinema           B.zoo             C.school           D.station



16.--Can I help you,sir?

--          map of Sichuan,please.

A.A              B.An             C.The             D.不填



11.A.Football                B.Basketball               C.Volleyball

12.A.Zhongshan Stadium        B.Jiaxing Stadium           C.Hongqiao Stadium

13.A.At 5:00               B.At 4:00               C.At 3:00

14.A.class                  B.grade                  C.school

15.A.Nanhu                 B.Jiahe                   C.Xiushui



6.When are they going to see the film?

A.In the morning.          B.In the afternoon.         C.In the evening.

7.How much is the sweater?

A.13 dollars.             B.15 dollars.             C.17 dollars.

8.Which club would the boy like to join?

A.The music club.          B.The science club.         C.The sports club.

9.What festival is held at Meimei's school?

A.Art festival.             B.English festival.          C.Culture festival.

10.Which book is Lingling reading?

A.Treasure Island.          B.The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.

C.Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.

