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92.Parents should often p      their children for their good work.



91.We have d      ourselves into three groups since this term.




A.I don't like it.               B.And Animal World?
C.Were talking to Esahel,        D.Yes,I do.
E.Do you like watching TV?       F.I like it.
G.How about Chinese Cooking?

It's weekend evening today.Now the host(H)of CCTV-3 is chatting with Esabel(E).They are televised live(电视转播)to audience.

H:Welcome to Eight O'clock Weekend Chat tonight.  81  a fourteen-year-old girl.

E:Thank you.

H:   82 

E:Yes,I do.

H:What do you think of Sports World?

E:   83   

H:I don't,either !How about Road to Health?

E:I like it.

H:Really? What do you think of Crazy English?

E:I love it!

H:  84   

E:I like it.

H:  85 

E:Oh,I can't stand it.Cooking is for moms!

H:OK! That was interesting.Thanks for joining us.Our next guest tonight is…


M:   86   me.


M:I'm looking for a room to live in for a year or so.Can you help me?

W:Sure.We have a room for $150 a month.

M:I'm afraid that's too   87    for me.

W:Well,there is  88   room for only $100 on the fourth floor,the top floor.But it's smaller.I could let you have a   89   first.

M:Oh,well,thank you.  90   it's still too expensive for me.

W:Well,let's have a look at the room first.If you like it,I'll let you have it for $80,OK?



knock on,take care of,keep,sing,as soon as,grow out,not only…but also,make up,not so…as…,pick up

66.Listen! Our teacher       an English song.

67.When she came into the classroom,she saw a book on the floor and      it     

68.The secretary can speak       Japanese       French.

69.We began to work       we got there.

70.Jimmy is       tall       his sister.

71.Trees begin to       in early spring.

72.Danny often       the desk to draw the girl's attention.

73.We need one more player,will you       the number?

74.I’m so sorry to       you standing here for such a long time?

75.Can you       my little dog while I am out?


One night a hotel caught fire,and all the people in the hotel ran out in their   41  clothes.But two men stood outside looking at the fire.“  42   I came out,”said one.“I ran into some of the rooms and found a lot of   43  .People don’t think of money when they are __44  .When anyone leaves paper money in a fire, the fire  45   it.So I took all the money I could find.  46   will become poorer because I took them.” “You don’t know me,”said the other, and you  47   my work.” “What’s your work?” “I’m a policeman.” “Oh!”  48   the first man.He thought quickly and said,“And do you know my  49  ? I’m a writer.I’m always telling stories about the things that  50   happened.”

41.A.morning          B.working          C.night            D.school

42.A.Before           B.After           C.When           D.As

43.A.dead men        B.books           C.children          D.money

44.A.excited           B.happy           C.relaxed           D.afraid

45.A.keeps            B.burns           C.makes           D.forgets

46.A.Someone         B.Anyone          C.No one          D.Everyone

47.A.know              B.don't know        C.knew            D.doesn't know

48.A.cried            B.laughed          C.shouted          D.spoke

49.A.name            B.work           C.story            D.idea

50.A.usually           B.ever            C.never            D.often

