0  136532  136540  136546  136550  136556  136558  136562  136568  136570  136576  136582  136586  136588  136592  136598  136600  136606  136610  136612  136616  136618  136622  136624  136626  136627  136628  136630  136631  136632  136634  136636  136640  136642  136646  136648  136652  136658  136660  136666  136670  136672  136676  136682  136688  136690  136696  136700  136702  136708  136712  136718  136726  447090 

30.一Look! How______ the boys are!

   一Yes.They won the game this afternoon.

  A.exciting   B.excitement        C.excite        D.excited


29.一Whose exam paper is jt?

   一It ______be Li Lei’s.He always forgets to write his name on it.

  A.can’t          B.must        C.shouldn’t         D.may


28.Our family has bought a car so we can travel _______than before.

  A.most easily     B.less easily         C.easily        D.more easily


27.We should give love to the children ________lost their parents in the earthquake(地震).

  A.who          B.whom           C.those        D.which


26.His parents often encourage him _______hard.

  A.work         B.working          C.to work      D.works


25.He asked me ________we could go to Beijing to watch the game by plane.

  A.that           B.if               C.how             D.what


24.After discussing,the students _________some good ideas to work on the project.

  A.put up         B.set up            C.caught up with D.came up with


23.一Peter,how old is your father this year?

-________.And we just had a party for his________ birthday last weekend.

  A.Fortieth:forty   B.Forty;forty      C.Forty:fortieth D.Fortieth;fortieth

