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27.-Who broke the window?

   -_______.A strong wind broke it last night.

  A.Somebody          B.Anybody         C.Nobody      D.Everybody


26.一Jim,get up.It’s time to________.

   一It’s Sunday.We have no classes on Sunday.

  A.go to school        B.go to work        C.go home     D.go to bed


25.一Cindy,dinner is ready.Where’s John?

   一He________ homework in his room.

  A.does              B.did             C.is doing      D.will do


24.一Excuse me,could you tell me where I can post a letter?

   -_______.Turn left.There is a post office on the Fifth Road.

  A.Sure              B.Sorry            C.Sounds nice   D.Good idea


23.一Do you often go shopping.Tina?

一No,_______.I don’t like shopping at all.

A.always               B.usually           C.never        D.often


22.一Mary,______you play chess?

   一Yes,I can do it very well.I want to join the chess club.

   A.can              B.should            C.must        D.need


21.一______have you stayed in Shanghai?

   一For about two months.

  A.How often      B.How long         C.How soon        D.How far


20.一Why do you hope to visit Hawaii some day?

   一 _______ it has beautiful beaches.

  A.Though       B.Or.             C.Because          D.So


19.If you don’t know the meaning of a word,you can look it up in a _______

  A.menu          B.map             C.1ist             D.dictionary


18.一When was the car invented?

   一It was invented _______1885.

   A.at            B.in              C.on              D.for

