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16. How often does Mary exercise?

A. Once a week.        B. Three times a week.     C. Every day.

17. How often does she drink milk?

A. Once a week.        B. Three times a week.     C. Every day.

18. Why does Mary eat junk food only once a week? 

  A. Because it’s not good for her health.             B. Because she doesn’t like it. 

  C. Because she doesn’t have enough money to buy more.

19. How long does she sleep every night?

  A. Seven hours.         B. Nine hours.           C. Eight hours.

20. How is Mary?

  A. She is 13.           B. She is not tall.         C. She is healthy.



 Henry is Mary’s friend. He is in London now. They are talking on the phone.

11. How’s the weather in London? 

A. Cloudy.             B. Snowing.            C. Warm.

12. What is Henry doing now?

A. He is skating.         B. He is visiting his friends.  C. He is talking to his friends.

13. What does his friends look like?

A. They are tall.         B. They are medium height. C. They are heavy.

14. How often does he visit his friends?

A. Twice a week.        B. Once a month.        C. Twice a month.

15. What does Henry usually do on weekends?

A. He usually goes to the movies.                 B. He usually goes skating.

C. He usually goes to the library.



6. What is Kate doing?

A. She’s watching TV.    B. She’s reading.         C. She’s doing her homework.

7. What does the girl usually do when it rains?

A. Eat something.        B. Watch TV.           C. Sleep.

8. What does John look like?

A. Tall and strong.       B. Short but strong.       C. Short and heavy.

9. What does John think of Kate?

A. A little bit funny.      B. A little bit kind.        C. A little bit quiet.

10. Where does the woman live?

A. In America.          B. In England.           C. In France.



1. A. He is a doctor.         B. He is reading.          C. Yes, he is.

2. A. Fine, thank you.        B. It’s cloudy.           C. I like it very much.

3. A. He’s very popular.      B. My brother, Jack.      C. Yes, he’s my classmate.

4. A. Yesterday.            B. Tomorrow.           C. Once a week.

5. A. I’m wrong.           B. I have a headache.     C. Don’t worry. 



Wade昨天早晨集自行车上学时, 由于匆忙,在十字路口被一辆小汽车撞了,右腿受伤,被送往医院。

所需词汇:get up late, hurry to school, hit, break his leg, send …to hospital, stay there, feel sad, be more careful





98. 我们应该努力克服各种困难。

We should try our best to           all kinds of difficulties.


97. 一个令人失望的结果是我历史考试不及格。

A            is that I didn’t pass the history exam.


96. 你不能整天在家里工作,你最好看看外面的世界。

You can’t work at home all day. You had better           your eyes to the outside world.


95. 格林夫人同意了她女儿的建议。

Mrs. Green           her daughter’s advice.


94. 你知道飞机什么时候起飞吗?

Do you know when the plane will           ?

