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61. I think eating too much meat is b      for your health.


John likes chocolate  41   , but  42   mother doesn’t give him. It is bad for his teeth. But John has a very nice grandfather. The old man loves his  43   very much and sometimes he buys John some  44   . Then his mother lets him  45   it, because she wants to make the old man happy.  46   Sunday evening, it is John’s  47   birthday. He says, “Please, God, make it give me a big box of chocolate for my birthday.” His mother  48   , “God can’t hear you. Don’t shout,” “I know,” says the  49   boy with a smile, “But my grandfather is in the  50   room.”

41. A. a lot of       B. very much     C. many         D. a lots

42. A. his          B. her           C. she          D. hers

43. A. son         B. daughter       C. grandson      D. grandmother

44. A. fruit         B. cake          C. milk          D. chocolate

45. A. eat          B. not eat        C. eat many      D. doesn’t eat

46. A. In          B. On           C. At           D. To

47. A. seven        B. seven’s       C. seventh       D. the seventh

48. A. say          B. saying        C. cries         D. says

49. A. clever        B. big           C. good         D. shy

50. A. first         B. nice          C. next          D. back


40. -How do you like the junk food?  -       

   A. Only a little.                    B. No, I don’t like it at all. 

C. Yes, very much.                D. Yes, but only a little.


39. Tom     a stomachache, so he     eat anything for 24 hours.

   A. have, shouldn’t   B. has, shouldn’t  C. have, should      D. has, should


38. You shouldn’t eat     meat, because you’re     heavy.

   A. much too, much too             B. much too, too much

C. too much, too much             D. too much, much too


37. -Hello, Jeff.       ?  -Not too bad.

   A. How are you doing              B. What are you doing 

C. How is it gong                 D. Where are you going


36. There’s     with her throat, so she can’t speak clearly now.

   A. wrong any things  B. something wrong C. wrong anything  D. nothing wrong


35. Don’t worry. I can     your pet when you are away.

   A. look like        B. look at       C. look after        D. look for

