0  136568  136576  136582  136586  136592  136594  136598  136604  136606  136612  136618  136622  136624  136628  136634  136636  136642  136646  136648  136652  136654  136658  136660  136662  136663  136664  136666  136667  136668  136670  136672  136676  136678  136682  136684  136688  136694  136696  136702  136706  136708  136712  136718  136724  136726  136732  136736  136738  136744  136748  136754  136762  447090 

42.一Who runs _________, Lisa.Eliza or Tara?

   一Eliza does.

  A.fast           B.faster            C.the fastest        D.most fast


41.Millions of trees_________ around our city every year.Our environment is getting better.

  A.are planting     B.were planted      C.planted           D.are planted


40.一I called you at 5:00 yesterday afternoon.But there was no answer.Where were you?

   一I ________in the supermarket.

  A.was shopping    B.am shopping      C.have shopped     D.do shopping


39.一Has he returned the library book yet?

   一Not yet.Don’t worry.He________ it soon.

  A.returned       B.has returned        C.will return        D.returns


38.一Can you finish the work in two days?

  一Sorry, I ________.My computer doesn’t work.

  A.don’t         B.can’t             C.mustn’t           D.needn’t


37.一When are you going to tell Henry the good news?

   一________he comes back.

  A.Since          B.As soon as         C.Because          D.Until


36.History was made ________October 24th 2007 when Chang’e I went into space.

  A.at            B.in              C.of               D.on


35.一Is this your pencil case, Tim?

   一No.it isn’t._________ is over there.

  A.Mine          B.My             C.Myself           D.I


34.一You’ve stayed in this school for several days,haven’t you?

   -Yes.I think I’ll be here for _________more days.

  A.few          B.a few            C.1ittle             D.a little


33.The rich man has decided to__________ everything he has to charity.

  A.set up         B.turn on           C.put off           D.give away

