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   Thank you for your last letter. Here 36 photos of me and my 37 Lin Ying. 38 you can see, in some ways we look the same, and in some ways we look 39. We both have black hair, though my hair is 40 than hers. We both like sports, although Liu Ying is 41 than me. She's more outgoing and I'm quieter than 42. I think I'm smarter. My favorite 43 are physics and chemistry. We both enjoy 44 to parties.

Please visit 45 soon!

36. A. is           B. are            C. has            D. have

37. A. twin sisters      B. twins sisters        C. twin sister         D. twins sister

38. A. As         B. like            C. but             D. though

39. A. the different   B. difference        C. different          D. more different

40. A. short        B. a little shorter       C. more short        D. smaller

41. A. athletic       B. more athletic        C. much athletic      D. very athletic

42. A. hers        B. she is               C. me           D. mine

43. A. subject       B. subject's         C. subjects          D. animals

44. A. go         B. to go           C. to going          D. going

45. A. us        B. we            C. ours           D. our


35.  _______ Friday evening, we're going to the movies with our teachers. Can you ______us?

   A. On, join     B. In, join     C. In, take part in     D. On, with


34.--I don't feel well, doctor. 

-- _________?

   A. What's the matter      B. How are you

   C. Are you better           D. Do you feel like eating anything


33.-- _________do you go to school?

  --I usually go to school by bus, but _________I walk there.

A. When, sometimes        B. How, some times

C. How, sometimes           D. How often, sometime


32. I don't know when the train will _________.

   A. arrive       B. arrive at      C. get to       D. arrives


31. _________it was raining, _________he went there.

   A. Though, but    B. Though, /      C. /, though      D. But, /


30. Li Lei and Li Ming _________tall and they _________black hair.

A. both are, both have       B. are both, both have

C. are both, have both       D. both are, have both


29. She likes talking to others, singing and dancing, but I like staying at home. So she is _________ than me.

   A. funnier      B. quieter      C. more outgoing    D. more funny

