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   People enjoy sports all over tile world.Sports help people to keep  36,happy and help them to live longer.

  Sports.37  with seasons.People play different games in winter and summer.Games and sports often eerie from people's work and daffy activities.For example,the Arabs o[ten use horses or camels in their everyday life;they use them in their,  38  too.

   Some sports are so  39  that people from every country play them.Football,for instance, has spread around the world.Swimming is  40 in all countries near the sea and in those with many rivers.

   Some sports went back many years ago,like running and jumping.Chinese boxing,for example,has a very long  41  . But basketball and volleyball are not.Meanwhile,people are  42  new sports or games all the time.

   People from different countries may not understand each other,but after a game they often become good  43 .Sports help to  44  a person’s character.One learns to fight hard in a fair way.He/She can also learns 45  even when he/she loses.

36.(   )A.weak      B.sad      C.healthy    D.serious

37.(   )A.come          B.change      C.go       D.1eave

38.(   )A.sports      B.work   C.fun   D.study

39.(   )A.boring      B.dull      C.frightening    D.interesting

40.(   )A.1ively      B.famous      C.popular   D.usual

41.(   )A.time           B.year     C.history    D.story

42.(   )A.to be invented     B.being invented C.invented   D.inventing

43.(   )A.players     B.friends       C.enemies   D.inventors

44.(   )A.beat           B.hit      C.weaken   D.train

45.(   )A.anything   B.something     C.nothing   D.none


35.It is a ________ river in northern France that runs;through the centre of Paris.

   A.famous 480-mile              B.480 miles ramous

   C.famous 480 miles          D.480一mile famous


34.一Would you rather ________ with others ________ think alone?

    一No idea.

   A.to speak;than B.discuss;or      C.talking,than   D.say:or


33.一I was wondering if we could go swimming on the weekend.

    一________ good!

   A.Sound       B.Sounded     C.Sounding         D.Sounds


32.一Mike,our team will compete with LakerS this weekend.I’m sure we will win.


   A.Congratulations    B.Cheers!          C.Best wishes!      D.Good luck!


31.Look out! Don’t get too close to the museum ________roof is under repair.

   A.which       B.that         C.whose       D.of which


29.一Did you have difficulty finding that book?

    一Not really.The librarian had given us good directions and we________ find it.

   A.had to       B.have to          C.might        D.were able to

(  )30 ________seriously ill,so you should go back to look after her.

   A.Because  mother is        B.Your mother is

   C.Being                   D.Your mother being


28.I'd like to buy a new car- - modem,  comfortable,and _________,with the best safety equipment.

   A.in all     B.above all     C.after all          D.at all

