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1.Students need s_____________ rules.



 The New Sea Life Centre,a very l_______ Place.
 2_______ dollars for adults,10 dollars for children.
Opening hours
From 9:00 a.m. to 3____ P.m. every day.
  Closing time
 25th and 26th of 4_______.
Telephone number  
 5 ________________.



   When you sit and watch TV hour after hour,do you ever think of what it may be doing in your health?

   More and more children are becoming over-weight and near-sighted  31   they spend too much time in front of TV.Also,they are growing less and less creative since watching TV doesn't  32  any active thought.

   Last week,the TV-Turnoff Organization began its ninth TV-Turnoff   33   in the US.The organization encourages people to play games,read books,lie under a tree,talk to family members and friends 34   watching TV.

  American school children  35   ,on average,1,000 hours a year watching TV-more time than they spend in school.That's too much,say the doctors  36   organized this year's TV-Turnoff Week.

   Doctors say that the  37  children watch television, the more over-weight they may become.The food children eat while they watch the television makes this weight   38  more serious.

   To keep mentally and physically healthy,children need to take exercise,talk with friends and family,read,and  39  the world around them.Could you go a week with out television? It might be 40   for many TV lovers,but why not give it a try?

31.A.because          B.until             C.whether           D.thought

32.A.find             B.need            C.lose            D.know

33.A.Day             B.Week           C.Month            D.Year

34.A.together with      B.because of           C.lots of            D.instead of

35.A.cost             B.spend           C.use              D.do

36.A.whom           B.whose           C.which            D.who

37.A.later             B.earlier           C.longer            D.less

38.A.problem         B.question          C.thing            D.lesson

39.A.explore(考察)  B.invent             C.find            D.make

40.A.easy            B.happy           C.dangerous        D.difficult


30.There must be ________ in this little village.

   A.something strange                    B.anything strange 

   C.strange something                    D.strange anything


29. If you have any ideas ________.Please return them to him.

   A.whose gloves are these                 B.whose gloves is this

   C.whose gloves this is                  D.whose gloves these are


28.He pretended _________ me when he passed by.

   A.not see          B.not to see         C.don't  see       D.didn't see


27.Betty went to the museum and saw many pictures _____ were drawn by a famous person.

   A.that            B.who            C.what           D.when

