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49.The e__________ motors are more and more popular because they don't cause air pollution.


48.His grandfather is d__________ now.He hardly hears what people say.


47.Now many Chinese students want to go a__________ to learn English.


46.Maria works hard at Chinese.So she has made great p__________ in Chinese.



How many people are there in the world? About 6,465 million.How many people are there in China? About 1.3 billion.Last Wednesday the United Nations gave its lastest report on problems of the world's growing population.Many people around the world don't have enough money or food.And in some countries,women don't have enough rights(权利)and chances to work.

About 6 billion people live on the earth.What are their lives like? You might not be able to know it for sure.

But if the world were a village of 100 people,it would look like this:


51 would be men.49 would be women.

Skin color

80 would be non-white.20 would be white.


20 people would own almost 90%of the village's income(收入).


25 would live in poor quality(质量)housing(住房).


If about 70 adults in the village,half would be unable to read.2 would go to college.


13 would not have enough to eat.

Life and death

1 would die within a year.2 would give birth within a year.



__________ the __________ __________ the world?  

42.If there ale more than 6 billion in the world,how many of them are Africans according to the chart(图表)?


43.In the world,most people are from__________ according to the chart.

A.Asia         B.Africa        C.America        D.Europe

44.Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A.Most of the people in the world don't have houses.

B.China covers 20% of the world population.

C.The world population is still growing.

D.Children cover 30% of the world population.

45.This passage is mainly about __________.





Look around--What do you see? What do you hear? What do you smell? If you live in a city,you probably see many people.You hear the noise of traffic.And you breathe the polluted air from ears and factories.

We are entering a new time in the history of the world.Before this,most people were farmers.They lived in the countryside.Now many people are leaving the farms and moving into the cities.They're looking for jobs.The cities are growing very quickly.Most cities are very crowded.People are driving more ears,burning more fuel(燃料),using more water,eating more food,making more garbage,and producing more things in factories than ever before.Life is becoming difficult.

Some governments are trying to plan for the future.They're building new roads,putting up new houses,looking for more water,and limiting the population growth in certain areas.Still,city planners are getting worried.People are crowding into the cities faster.The cities are short of room.What is the answer to this problem?


36.What can't you do if you live in a polluted city?

A.We can't see many people around us.     B.We can't hear the noise of traffic.

C.We can't breathe the fresh air.           D.We can't smell the gas of buses.

37.We say we're entering a new time in the history of the world because__________.

A.no people are farmers

B.the cities are growing very quickly

C.farmers are having new jobs

D.more and more people live in the countryside

38.What's the main problem?

A.The cities are becoming more and more crowded.

B.The cities are becoming smaller.

C.There would be no food or water.

D.City planners are getting worried.

39.The underlined word “limiting” may mean _________ in Chinese.

A.限制           B.扩充            C.消灭           D.优化

40.According to the passage,which sentence is NOT true?

A.You breathe the polluted air in the city.

B.Few cities are crowded and life is becoming easier.

C.City planners are very worried.

D.Cities won't have enough room for people to live in.



In Europe,many people died during the Second World War,so at the end of the war,there were many orphans.A man called Hermann Gmeiner wanted to help these children.His idea was simple.He wanted the orphans to have a home.And he wanted them to have the care and kindness of parents.Gmeiner asked people to give money.With the money,he built the first SOS Children's Village at Imst,in Australia.It opened in 1949.This is how the SOS Children's Village started.The letters SOS mean “Save Our Souls(灵魂)”.This means “Please help us.” An SOS Children's Village gives help to orphans.

Hermann Gmeiner's idea of helping orphans soon spread all over the world.By 1983,there were 170 SOS Children's Villages in the world.People in many countries give money to help the Villages.China has also built SOS Children's Villages.Now,more and more people like to work in the SOS Children's Villages.


31.We can know the underlined word “orphan” may be _________ according to the passage.

A.a homeless child                     B.a child without parents

C.a disabled child                D.a rude child

32.From the passage,we know the money for the SOS Children's Villages mainly come from _________.

A.government                 B.only the rich people

C.common people                D.the poor people

33.Hermann Gmeiner built the first SOS Children's Village because he wanted _________.

A.to get money                 B.to be well-known

C.to teach the children how to play SOS      D.the orphans to have a home

34.It has been _________ years since the first SOS Children's Village opened.

A.50           B.59           C.25           D.27

35.Which of the following sentences is RIGHT according to the passage?

A.China has already built SOS Children's Villages.

B.SOS means “Please give me some money.”

C.Many children died during the Second World War.

D.The money for the SOS Children's Villages all comes from the government.



If you have no special plans for your holidays,why not spend your time helping others?

Some people say that the young people today only think of themselves.But it's not true.More and more young people in the U.S.A.volunteer(自愿)to spend their school holidays working for others.And they don' t do it for money.Hero are some of their stories.

Alice Hamilton,17
I'm going to help the Forest Center build new hiking paths(道路)in the mountains.It's going to be terrific(极好的).
I'll spend the whole summer holidays living in the tent and breathing the clean mountain air.I'm going to sleep under the stars.And I'll be able to do something helpful at the same time.

Jason Moor,18
This summer,I'm going to volunteer with Special House Program.They build good,low-cost(低成本的)houses and sell them to poor families.They'll teach me what to do,so I'll help people and also have a chance to learn how to build houses.

Trish Anderson,16
I'm going to teach kids with trouble in reading.I'll work for a program called “Reading for Life”.Every day,I'm going to help kids choose and read good books.I want to be a teacher,and I love children,so it is going to be a great experience for me.


26.Young people in the USA volunteer to spend _________ helping others.

A.school holidays   B.weekdays       C.every morning     D.every afternoon

27.What does Alice volunteer to do in summer?

A.To sleep under the stars.

B.To breathe the clean mountain air.

C.To spend the whole summer holidays living in the tent.

D.To help build new hiking paths in the mountains.

28.From the passage,we know that Jason Moor _________.

A.likes reading     B.is 18 years old     C.isn't very rich      D.is good at sport

29._________ wants to be a teacher.

A.Alice Hamilton     B.Jason Moor       C.Trish Anderson    D.None of them

30.Which is the best title for this passage?

A.Reading for Life               B.Special House Program

C.The Forest Center                  D.Young American Volunteers


15.I didn't _________ eat vegetables,but now I _________ eating them.

A.used to;am use to             B.used to;get used to

C.use to;get used to             D.use to;get use to

